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Q: What is Cursive form of writing developed from hieroglyphs?
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Is cursive writing evil from its origin?

No, cursive writing is not evil from its origin. It developed as a more efficient way to write quickly by connecting letters in a flowing manner. It has been widely used for centuries as a form of writing.

What is the Ancient form of writing?


What is cursive form?

Cursive form refers to a style of writing where the letters in a word are joined together in a flowing manner. It is often considered more elegant and efficient than print writing for tasks that involve long-form writing. Cursive is typically taught in schools as a way to improve handwriting skills.

How were hieroglyphics used in ancient Egypt?

Hieroglyphs was the writing used only on religious or official documents. They were used for tombs, temples, books of the dead, etc. They were only used on official and religious documents because they take a long time to write. The Egyptians would use hieratic, demotic, or cursive hieroglyphs for everyday writing.

In ancient Egypt writing was called?

Hyrogliphics is the earliest form of writing by the Egyptians.

The egyptians had a unique system of writing it contained over 2000 character this writing system is usually referred to as?

The system of writing that contained over 2000 characters that was unique to the Egyptians is referred to as hieroglyphics. The Egyptians even had a form of hieroglyphs, that are similar in function to our cursive writing, that were used for religious ceremonies.

Are the ancient Egyptian writing and hieroglyphics the same thing?

Not exactly. Not all Egyptian writing was hieroglyphic, and not all hieroglyphic writing was Egyptian. Hieroglyphics is a general term for picture-based writing systems, and the ancient Egyptians were not the only people to invent such a system. Ancient Mayan and Luwian (a language of Asia Minor) were also written using hieroglyphs (which looked very different from the Egyptian kind). At the same time, the ancient Egyptians had other writing systems. Hieratic, a form of cursive writing using ink on papyrus, existed alongside hieroglyphics from the very beginning. Another cursive form of writing, demotic, later developed from hieratic. Ultimately all of these writing systems were replaced by the Coptic alphabet, which was derived from the Greek alphabet.

What form of writing was developed by Byzantine monks?

The form of writing developed by Byzantine monks is called Greek minuscule. This script replaced the older uncial script and was characterized by smaller, cursive letters that were easier to write and read. It became the standard script used in Byzantine manuscripts from the 9th century onwards.

Are any other languages written in cursive?

Yes, there are other languages that use cursive writing as their standard script. Some examples include Russian, French, Arabic, and Greek. Cursive writing is prevalent in certain cultures and is used for both handwriting and formal documents.

How do you write wheelchair in cursive?

To write "wheelchair" in cursive, you would connect the cursive letters to form the word. Start by writing "wheel" in cursive followed by "chair." Practice connecting the letters smoothly to create a flowing cursive script.

What is the name of the style for sloping writing?

The style of sloping writing is called italics or cursive. It is a form of writing where the letters are slanted to the right.

Why did they make hieroglyphs and when?

When hieroglyphs are spoken of today prople are usually referring to ancient Egypt's use of them. They were the Egyptian's form of writing -- that is, their method of written communication or of creating a written record. However, the origin of this form of writing goes further back into antiquity.