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His motives were to find as much gold as he could

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Alberta Schmitt

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2y ago
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13y ago

When Christopher Columbus was still young, he believed he was appointed by God to spread the Gospel to heathen lands; and so that was his biggest purpose. He wrote about it in his own journal. if you read a book called "The Light and the Glory" by Peter Marshall and David Manuel, you can see for yourself. They took years to find this stuff.

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11y ago

In 1453 (39 years before Columbus set sail), Constantinople (modern day Istanbul, Turkey) fell to the Ottoman Turks & cut off the way to the eastern riches (the Silk Road, etc...) so Columbus believed he could reach the riches of Asia by sailing westward & circumnavigating the world. He didn't expect the American continents to be in the way & he didn't know at the time they were continents; he thought he reached islands near India or China. He was also fascinated by Marco Polo.

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15y ago

To find a shorter route to the orient.

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12y ago

that is what she said

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Q: What is Christopher Columbus motivation for his explorations?
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Christopher Columbus made four explorations to the Americas. His first voyage was in 1492, followed by the second in 1493, the third in 1498, and the fourth in 1502.

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Pre-columbian means before Christopher Columbus arrived. Explorations came after.