The name of the Bordeaux region ENTRE-deux-mers means BETWEEN two seas
The word comes from German as Lager-Bier meaning beer brewed for keeping. (the word lager meaning storehouse and bier for beer) It can be stored for between six weeks and six months
The address of the Bordeaux Branch Library is: 4400 Clarksville Pike, Nashville, 37218 1912
Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Lille, Bordeaux
The city of Bordeaux, France is 19.06 square miles in size. As of June 2014 the estimated population of this city is around 235,500 people.
meaning of anambra
Bore doe is the way Bordeaux is pronounced.
what is the distance between Bordeaux and Bergerac, France?
5,692 miles
It is an estimated 482.6 miles between Cannes and Bordeaux. Without traffic or stops it would take an estimated 6 hours and 47 minutes to drive.
Joe Bordeaux's birth name is Joseph Emil Bordeaux.
He is a Dogue De Bordeaux or a french mastiff
It simply means "City of Bordeaux". Bordeaux is a French city.
The definition of something is an explicit statement that captures the meaning of the word. The meaning is what this word means to someone in their head.
Greek 'hypnos' meaning 'slleep'
the road distance between Bordeaux and Entrevaux (near Nice) is 837 km. The driving time is a little more than 8 hours.