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It is a time period in the Mayan calender.

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Why does the Mayan long count calendar start at

It is a presumption to be 13.0.0 : 0.0 which reads as 13 baktun. A baktun is 400 tun and 13 baktun (13x 400) is 5200 tun of 360 days. The Maya presumed that if they expect the world to end in 5200 tun, then the last world destroyed by Noah's Flood was also 5200 tun. Hindu do this also but by doubling. In Hindu this current world lasts more than a Mayan 5200 years of 360 days from Noah's Flood 3114bc, but rather 432,000 years from Noah's Flood 3102bc. Hindu then increase every world before that in this way. 1200 x360 days is 432,000 days that they insist are 432,000 years. The world before the Flood was 2400x 360, the world before that was 3600x 360, and the first world was 4800x 360. Bible Genesis unveils that this is derived from totals of expecting 6000 years. 2400 +3600 will 1200 years later become 3600 +2400, and then 1200 years later become 4800 + 1200. The fix is the fall of 3rd dynasty Ur in 1900bc, with 3rd dynasty later mistaken as falling in 2030bc when 1st dynasty fell. It has to do with the king Ibbi-Sin being there in 2029bc so that they dont see how he could rule his 24 years as 1925-1901bc. The point is the math places Hindu as leaving Ur to move to India in 1900bc and dwelling there 1200 years to 700bc. Because they beleived the venus tablets brought to them form Babylon in 1625bc (Adams 2400am) were instead from 1900bc (as 3600am) they beleived Adam was 5500bc and the end should come 500 AD. Both these dates are world-wide famous as Epoch and Armageddon. Hatred for the Bible hides it as being Adam and armageddon in 6000 years. Hindu failure of 500 AD meant just take the 1200 as 432,000 years to eternally worship under Hindu priestly control. However, Moslems came and took over, and then British christianity came to control. So too the Maya world of 2256 before Flood and 3744 after Flood failed in Ahau Pacal Votan (Lord Shield Votan) in 630 AD for 52 years, and they extended to 13 baktun (2012 AD). This resulted in claiming the previous 4 worlds before Noah's Flood 3114bc were also 5200 tun (13 baktun) so they and our scholars label it as 13 while a few label it as zero. The fools can be compared to as thinking the next asteroid cannot hit Earth until 65 million years on new year's day, in exact cycles over and over. Basically government or commercialism or science is just like religion being all about control with lies. The lies dominate to get money or wealth or servants.

How many Mayan calendars are there?

Three.The Mayans created and used at least three calendars.1) The Haab. This was 365 day long with 18 months of 20 days each. 5 days were added at the end, these days were considered to be unlucky and could not wait for them to pass. They were aware that the year was closer to 365.25 days but this was not taken into account in this calendar and consequently it drifted out of synchronisation. (By about six hours a year)2) The Tzolkin. This was a 260 day cycle also called the 'Sacred Round' and listed sacred days, omens and associations for guidance in planting, warring, sacrificing etc.This was joined to the 365 day calendar to give a complex 52 year cycle called the Calendar Round. This period is the time it takes for the two calendars to match up and start on the same day again.3) The Long Count. This is where the ignorance comes in and is used by people to say the world will end. It is not so unless you are a Mayan or believe as they did.It is a bit more complex and is used to calculate long periods of time. (Hence the name).The periods within it are;20 kins = 1 uinal = 20 days18 uinals = 1 tun = 360 days20 tuns = 1 katun = 7200 days20 katun = 1 baktun = 144,000 daysThey then multiplied the baktun by 13 to get what they called the Great Cycle which is equal to 5,130 years. The best evidence suggests that the present Great Cycle started in 3114 BC and will end on 23rd December 2012.

Do the 'Secret Society Military industrial Complex and Invested Elite' appear to worship 'War Venusthe Mayan's and the numbers 1 3 and 0'..?

Venus, the Number 13, Solar Max 2012, the End of the 'World'… and the New World Order? Is this indeed a timeline??, most accurate? Or ..fault/y. *Noticed.. by "Morning Star Venus Alignment 2012 NWO Rise of Babylon (6/7)" The number 13. 1, and 3. 3 / Military. (WTC, Madrid, London) 1 / Financial. (Wall St) *note , um , it's my 'suspicion/deduction/use' regarding forth being a '1, and different' is used. … leaving.. -Forseen, because it 'appears' to be timed to the orbit of Venus, by someone able*. …. (Most 'apparently?seemingly?!!' the Bush/Military/Luminary-Secret Society Family'. Those who also stand to gain, importantly/of course.) …so, how are the 3 bombings of the WTC, Madrid, and London the planet Venus, WALL ST, Georges' 'Elites/The Power' and the numbers 1 and 3.. ..Exactly timed..?? and set.?? apparently..? ** December 13, 2008. George Jr President. It begins. THE 8 years. ** Wikipedia -*A curious aspect of Venus's orbit and rotation periods is that the 584-day average interval between successive close approaches to the Earth is almost exactly equal to five Venusian solar days. Whether this relationship arose by chance or is the result of some kind of tidal locking with the Earth, is unknown As it moves around its orbit, Venus displays phases like those of the Moon: it is new when it passes between the Earth and the Sun, full when it is on the opposite side of the Sun, and a half-phase when it is at its maximum elongations from the Sun. Venus is brightest when it is a thin crescent; it is much closer to Earth when a thin crescent than when gibbous, or full.[42] Venus's orbit is slightly inclined relative to the Earth's orbit; thus, when the planet passes between the Earth and the Sun, it usually does not cross the face of the Sun. However, transits of Venus do occur in pairs separated by eight years, at intervals of about 120 years, when the planet's inferior conjunction coincides with its presence in the plane of the Earth's orbit. The most recent transit was in 2004; the next will be in 2012. -* It WELL appears..(???) THOSE IN 'POWER' ARE USING THE 8 YEAR 'CYCLES/RISING DATES' OF VENUS, AS 'EVENING STAR', ON JUNE 11 200 And, thety are using numbers of the (long count) Mayan Calendar End-date.(as Venus timing Code).. (Baktun) ( Repeat, From which the following 3 code numbers can be extracted, 1, 3, and 0 And.. when used with the rising dates of venus.. (..sickeningly??) (1/3) WTC _______________(2/3)Madrid _______(3/3)London Rising Date. 11/ 06/ 2000 ___RD. 08/ 06/ 2004 ___RD. 08/ 06/ 2004 _________++/ ++/ ++++______++ /+-/ ++++ ______+-/ ++/ ++++ __________00/ 03/ 0001______ 03/ 03/ 0000 ______01/ 01/ 0001 ________= 11/ 09/ 2001 _____= 11/ 03/ 2004 ____= 07/ 07/ 2005 The DATES OF THE BOMBINGS!!!!!!! ??????????TRUTH..? Docunentary then asks for us to 'do the math' on the next one., as vid was made months ago thoughts on what the 'most' NEXT arrangement might be??????????????? ??Hmmm.. When was the 'plug pulled/bomb let off' on the American financial sector? Anyone know..? it is the.. ** (…Equals??) (1/3) WTC (2/3)Madrid (3/3)London 00/ 03/ 0001 03/ 03/ 0000 01/ 01/ 0001 ____The 3 ______________________The 1 _03/ 03/ 0000 __________________??/??/???? & 00/ 03/ 0001 & 01/ 01/ 0001 Means/leaves/next/missing.. 'add/replicate sytem' of 1's, 3's and 'absolutely' evenly.. leaves 00/ 03/ 0000. ?? So.. Rise.date09/ 06/ 2008 ________00/ 03 / 0000 ________++/ ++/ ++++ ______= 9th / Sept / 2008 **************************** The 9th September 2008 20080909-4cyr.HTML The mighty irony of the Frannie bail-out • Michael West • September 9, 2008 • Page 1 of 3 | Single Page View Wall Street has reacted well to news the US Government would become the world's biggest home lender. So is this the beginning of the end of the credit crisis? The nationalisation of the two home mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should avert a systemic failure that threatened mass defaults in the housing market, just as the Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson, designed it. It's a move heavy with irony. The Republicans, proponents of free-market capitalism, pulling off the biggest nationalisation since World War II. The laissez-fair brigade, which usually bays about the evils of big government, is silent as the taxpayer rescues the banking system. There is now further precedent from the US Government for privatising profits and socialising losses. The bail-out of the investment bank Bear Stearns came first. Ironically, the markets bounced hard too at this news, which was followed up with the once-in-a-lifetime offer for the other Wall Street investment banks to swap their illiquid assets for government Treasury bonds, which they could "short" and turn into cash. Before the "Frannie" bail-out, the debt of the two mortgage giants was rolling over at 130 points above treasuries. No one wanted to buy it. These two were hitting the wall as Washington stepped in. But this 130 point spread was the interesting thing. The obligations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac two had always carried an implicit government guarantee. Why, in that case, was the debt so expensive? All that has happened now is the guarantee has become explicit. With that kind of backer, Frannie should have been trading at a 30 point spread. Looking at the bail-out from the perspective of a Government transaction that extra 100 points on a trillion dollars in debt was going to cost taxpayers more in the long run than stepping in now with a full guarantee. The estimated $US25 billion ($30.7 billion) cost to taxpayers, though, is laughable. This was a deal which Paulson felt had to be made. Had the US Treasury simply gritted its teeth and waited for the mortgage market to recover, the higher costs passed on to home owners via the collapse of Frannie would have simply turbocharged the chaos and lack of confidence in the housing markets. Continued... *********** 1 of 1, The 9th of September, 2008. and the 'Wall Street Bail-Out' swindle. The 1 of 1. so... THEY/THEM/THOSE/POWER/CHARGE/THEIR.. (apparently?) Their sacred number apears to be 13. THE summation, of the 'people in charge' AFTER study of all known/apparent relationships. Venus, and the number 13? known/suspected relationships. mathematical, astronomical, and religious. JUST a couple. (MORE /ALL are NEEDED.) *Mayan great respect for venus, and their enddate/coding numbers used (1,3,&0) *the 8 year tenure of george Jr, and his starting and finishing on the cycles of venus * Earth Venus ratio = 8 versus 13. Maya calendar based on Venus = 13 x 144000 = 1872000 days. Earth = 1872000 days / 8 = 234000 And Radius sun = 432000 miles. 432 and 234 are the perfect mirror numbers added together = 666. 234 is 13 x 18 = Revelation 13:18 = Number of Beast. *5 x 584 = 13 x 225 = 2922 days (8 years). 584 = one venus orbit as seen from earth. 225 = one venus orbit as seen from the sun All related. Quite 'directly/fittingly'. How long does it take for Venus to orbit the Sun ** their.. GOD of WAR..? Only the Mayans have a loose connection as they developed a religious calendar based in part upon its motions, and held the motions of Venus to determine the propitious time for events such as war, but this was amongst many other meanings derived from its presence. " the Mayan culture indeed (also) worshiped venus as the 'determiner of the propitious time for war' . as for why the doco maker (wrongly?) particularly called/refers to venus as 'their' GOD of war, i don't know, or think it matters much. (except the reference to 'war' part. very apt regarding correllated events) The numbers 1, 3, and 0. They come DIRECTLY from the Mayan study of venus/their end date, what are the odd's that.. Using them in a simple mathematical formula respectfull of them definitively 'states' political/terror-logical dates of interest. definatively. which is why i am harping on/asking for confirmation. ..because if this part of the doco ends up being pretty much FACTUAL and TRUE... ..then the other stuff discussed..??!!! ******** 13, 1 & 3, 3 x 'bombs', (bombings) 1 x ??..what = -1 x 'crash'. wallstreet/fedres/bankers/govt SWINDLE. 9th sept 2008 ******************** All assistance in confirming details would be great.

Related questions

What is a b'ak'tun?

A b'ak'tun is a period of 144,000 days in the Mayan calendar.

Why Mayan did not predict that they will fall?

The mayans had calanders one of which was called the longcount. something like every 1000 years (maybe a little bit less) the long count would go through a baktun which is like a year kind of. so 2012 will mark the end of the 13th baktun which is the end of the longcount calender. however it was people like the Spaniards then and the Americans now who said that since the calender is done it will be the end of days. but the mayans did not predict this. they have predictions for dates going as far as 4927A.D. so all in all it was not the mayans idea that the world would end but other cultures interpretation.

Are there any scientific facts supporting the coming horrific events leading up to Dec 21 2012?

Well, the legend of the end of the world in 2012 is based on the Mayan calendar. According to this calendar, the date of the world's formation is 0 baktun 0 katun 0 tun and 0 winal (these are measurements of time), which is in our calendar 3114. August our 11 B.C, and it is over in 12 baktun 19 katun 19 tun and 17 winal, which is exactly on 2012. 20th of December. By this, the "end of the world" is on December 21. 2012., which is not the end of the world, but a start of another "world". The legend may strengthen by the date of this: 2012.20.12.(YYYY.DD.MM.)

Will the world end today?

No. The end of the world predictions for 2012 have no basis in reality. Many claim the Mayan long-count calendar predicts the ends of the world. It doesn't. It only marks the end of the 13 Baktun and the beginning of the 14. It is in the same sense that New Years will mark the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013.

Will the world end in 2012 like the Mayans predict?

OMG! We're all still here! That's because the Maya believed we would only start a new baktun ...a new age (not the end of the world). The only one who knows when life will end is "the great modeler-maker, spirit of the Earth and sky!"

Are we going to die in 2012 like the film?

Many people are wondering in 2012 doomsday real?! Are we really going to die 23rd of December 2012?! Here's the answer NO. At first when i heard about 2012 doomsday i was scared and looked on the Internet for proof, did i find any DECENT proof? No. Yeah sure there was a couple of pictures, theories, and whats silly of all there's that silly book.Hmm its a bit funny? ain't it? A author called Jaco van da worp realised a book called Surviving planet x and 5 you tube videos. Of course, many people believe we will die, so alot of people will buy that book, he is just taking advantage of scared people to earn money.MORE proof: Weird ain't it 1999 2002 1768 ect. did any of them happen at the time there was books such as 1999 surviving the end of the world! just like now. So whats so different from now? is it because of global warming your all scared do u think its a warning? well it ain't its just God (or any other religious or non beliefs) telling us to be more careful for the world. I know were not going to die in 2012 we wont suffer. But .. what about are children, our grandchildren Are future generationS!? Yes they will suffer, help the world by doing your bit by buying plastic bottles instead of unreclyable material or how about recycling glass. i mean, imagine the way you would be feeling if you really knew it was the end of the world. DONT let your future generations be punished for your mistake. Help out a little. That's all the worlds asking.Answer:Some info on "Why 2012"The Mayans produced a number of calendars all relating one to the other like gears. The longest, the long count, marked off a Baktun of years (about 393 years). The present baktun will end with the winter solstice in 2012. But then again 2010 on my calendar will end on December 31. Both events will be marked by the start of the next year, or in the case of the Mayans, the next Baktun of years. They didn't predict it as the end of time - just another a big new years eve. Happy 14th Baktun everyone (we've got up to the 20th Baktun to get to - some 2400 years from now)As far as the mayans aility to predict catastrophe, they didn't predict the arrival of th Spaniards or the downfall of their own civilization. If future performance is indicated by past performnce, they fail.

Why does the Mayan long count calendar start at

It is a presumption to be 13.0.0 : 0.0 which reads as 13 baktun. A baktun is 400 tun and 13 baktun (13x 400) is 5200 tun of 360 days. The Maya presumed that if they expect the world to end in 5200 tun, then the last world destroyed by Noah's Flood was also 5200 tun. Hindu do this also but by doubling. In Hindu this current world lasts more than a Mayan 5200 years of 360 days from Noah's Flood 3114bc, but rather 432,000 years from Noah's Flood 3102bc. Hindu then increase every world before that in this way. 1200 x360 days is 432,000 days that they insist are 432,000 years. The world before the Flood was 2400x 360, the world before that was 3600x 360, and the first world was 4800x 360. Bible Genesis unveils that this is derived from totals of expecting 6000 years. 2400 +3600 will 1200 years later become 3600 +2400, and then 1200 years later become 4800 + 1200. The fix is the fall of 3rd dynasty Ur in 1900bc, with 3rd dynasty later mistaken as falling in 2030bc when 1st dynasty fell. It has to do with the king Ibbi-Sin being there in 2029bc so that they dont see how he could rule his 24 years as 1925-1901bc. The point is the math places Hindu as leaving Ur to move to India in 1900bc and dwelling there 1200 years to 700bc. Because they beleived the venus tablets brought to them form Babylon in 1625bc (Adams 2400am) were instead from 1900bc (as 3600am) they beleived Adam was 5500bc and the end should come 500 AD. Both these dates are world-wide famous as Epoch and Armageddon. Hatred for the Bible hides it as being Adam and armageddon in 6000 years. Hindu failure of 500 AD meant just take the 1200 as 432,000 years to eternally worship under Hindu priestly control. However, Moslems came and took over, and then British christianity came to control. So too the Maya world of 2256 before Flood and 3744 after Flood failed in Ahau Pacal Votan (Lord Shield Votan) in 630 AD for 52 years, and they extended to 13 baktun (2012 AD). This resulted in claiming the previous 4 worlds before Noah's Flood 3114bc were also 5200 tun (13 baktun) so they and our scholars label it as 13 while a few label it as zero. The fools can be compared to as thinking the next asteroid cannot hit Earth until 65 million years on new year's day, in exact cycles over and over. Basically government or commercialism or science is just like religion being all about control with lies. The lies dominate to get money or wealth or servants.

Why do so many people believe that the World will end on December 21st 2012?

Dec 21, 1212 is the end of the Baktun of years by the Mayan calendar. By that calendar we start a new cycle of years then. Some "new agers" have interpretted this as the end of the world as we know it. This is based on the "Well they were old astronomer/astrologers, and mysterious, and so they must have known something" thinking. Just like 2000 and every auspicious date so far we will still be here the next day.

How many cycles has the Mayan calendar been through?

The Mayan calendar has gone through 13 cycles known as "baktuns". Each baktun is equivalent to 144,000 days or approximately 394.3 years.

What movie and television projects has Sello Motloung been in?

Sello Motloung has: Played Baktun in "Tarzan: The Epic Adventures" in 1996. Played Fode in "La ferme du crocodile" in 1996. Played Captain Jake Mkhonza in "Justice for All" in 1998. Played Saunders in "The Long Run" in 2001. Played Sephala Mondisi in "Askari" in 2001. Played Big Man in "Canterbury Tales" in 2003. Played Officer in "Human Cargo" in 2004. Played Milos in "Man to Man" in 2005. Played Detective Modisane in "Jerusalema" in 2008. Played Taonga in "Im Brautkleid durch Afrika" in 2010. Played Taxidriver in "Tirza" in 2010. Played Tembe in "How to Steal 2 Million" in 2011.

Hw do you read the Mayan calendar?

Reading the Mayan calendar involves understanding its complex system of cycles, including the Tzolk'in (260-day sacred calendar) and the Haab' (365-day solar calendar). The combination of these calendars creates a Long Count date, which includes baktun, katun, tun, uinal, and kin units. To read the Mayan calendar, you would need to study these different cycles and how they interconnect.

When does sitchin say annunaki are returning?

Zecharia Sitchin, an author who introduced the concept of the Anunnaki in his Earth Chronicles series, did not explicitly mention a specific date for the return of the Anunnaki in his work. The idea of the Anunnaki returning is based on his interpretations of ancient Sumerian texts and myths, which suggest a cyclical pattern of their presence on Earth. Sitchin's theories are considered controversial and not supported by mainstream scholars or archaeologists.