"i will not murder thee! i do but Measure thee!"
Im not sure, but my grandfather grew up in the same village in Mexico and he use to tell us about the villa family, and he said that he had a large family. So i would think so.
When people wanted him, he was nowhere to be found. However, as soon as they didn't want him around, he was there making trouble.
Yes Pancho Villa passed through Coyame Chihuahua (where both my parents were born.) My grandfather Don Salvador Navarrete told me when he was child Pancho Villa stopped in Coyame with a platoon of his rebel fighters. When the towns people saw Villa and his men riding into town, they were scared shittless and ran and hid intheir homes. (Coyame was and still is the county seat called "municipal" and on the side of the government) by the time Villa rode in, Coyame was a ghost town, except for some children playing outside one of wich was my grandfather. My grandpa told me that Villa asked him "Where are the men in this town?" my grandfather replied "my uncle Pilar is in the house" and Villa said "well then go call that cabron!" My grandpa says his uncle Pilar came out of the house fearing for his life. I dont know how long Villa stayed in Coyame or how often he made stop's in Coyame but all the old timers and many people in town have their Pancho Villa story's. So yes to answer your question Pancho Villa did set foot in the beautiful little town of Coyame many years ago. Thought I would share that story with you. Also Thank's for mentioning Coyame. salvadorramirez56@yahoo.com Yes Pancho Villa passed through Coyame Chihuahua (where both my parents were born.) My grandfather Don Salvador Navarrete told me when he was child Pancho Villa stopped in Coyame with a platoon of his rebel fighters. When the towns people saw Villa and his men riding into town, they were scared shittless and ran and hid intheir homes. (Coyame was and still is the county seat called "municipal" and on the side of the government) by the time Villa rode in, Coyame was a ghost town, except for some children playing outside one of wich was my grandfather. My grandpa told me that Villa asked him "Where are the men in this town?" my grandfather replied "my uncle Pilar is in the house" and Villa said "well then go call that cabron!" My grandpa says his uncle Pilar came out of the house fearing for his life. I dont know how long Villa stayed in Coyame or how often he made stop's in Coyame but all the old timers and many people in town have their Pancho Villa story's. So yes to answer your question Pancho Villa did set foot in the beautiful little town of Coyame many years ago. Thought I would share that story with you. Also Thank's for mentioning Coyame. salvadorramirez56@yahoo.com If you go to the Grutas in Coyame, Pancho Villa wrote in the grutas, my daddy is from coyame he lives there he is Lupe Ramirez, and he also says that Pancho Villa would go to or pass thru coyame, I believe one of his hidding places was in the grutas. Hi, to every one from coyame, Angie Ramirez De Madrid
Pio Valenzuela and Jose Rizal are Filipino revolutionary heroes. When Jose Rizal was in exile in Dapitan, Pio visited him to ask approval for his proposal to solicit funds for them to be able to purchase arms and ammunitions.
"i will not murder thee! i do but Measure thee!"
I am not familiar with a specific reference to God saying "I'll make a man" written by Jose Garcia. It is possible that this may be a quote from a religious text, a work of literature, or a personal writing. Could you provide more context or details to help identify the source?
The poem "GOD said I made a man" may explore themes of creation, power, and the divine relationship with humanity. It could highlight the idea of God as the ultimate creator and the significance of mankind in the larger theological context. Ultimately, the interpretation of the poem can vary based on individual perspectives and beliefs.
To me it's message is to praise and thank GOD for making us ... it is also about the perfect human like us because we have eyes or all the senses and of even we have a disorder GOD gave us many talents to share and to use for good reasons :)
im john mark mañago and i would like to share you guys the answer / critical analysis of sonnet 1 by jose garcia .. First, a poem must be magical Then musical as a sea-gull. Villa said, "These lines mean exactly what they say: That a poem must have magic, and it must be musical." I asked the poet, "What meaning would you ascribe to the next lines?" It must be a brightness moving And hold secret a bird's flowering. Villa explained, "There are some brightnesses which are stationary and static, but a poem, like a bird, must fly. This is the difference between prose and poetry. Prose is flatfooted and stationary; poetry soars, flies like a bird. The stationary bird, when first seen, appears like a rosebud. When it begins to fly, it opens up and spreads its wings and blooms like a flower." I asked him to explain the images in the fifth and sixth lines, It must be slender as a bell And it must hold fire as well. To these lines, Villa responded, "A poem is economical; it's slender as a bell, it has no adipose tissue; it's lean and clean. Poorly written poems should, of necessity, go on a diet, to rid themselves of excess verbiage and adjectives. And by 'fire' in the next line, I simply mean that a poem must have a spirit." "I have always found the next lines difficult to comprehend," I confessed: It must have the wisdom of bows And it must kneel like a rose. "You must remember," Villa said, "some lines and some poems cannot be explained. But let me try. I am speaking of the archer's bow. A good bow is one that knows when to shoot, and one that directs the arrow to its mark. Just as a good poem, it never goes astray. To 'kneel like a rose'...
David Villa said that his father was a miner, José Manuel Villa.
Jose Garcia Villa was not only a most significant influence on what was a developing English-language literature in the Philippines earlier in the 20th century, but he also was a leading modernist American poet. The poet wrote metaphysically. From the dregs of the failed revolution, from the household ruled by a man living in the past, Villa came to claim that he was born in a country called "Doveglion" - a name he melded from "dove, eagle and lion" and something he described as a "strange country with no boundaries. Only "Earth Angels" can live in this country. Villa would explain, "Land itself is not a real country: it is commerce, agriculture, politics, a husk country." Doveglion, however is a real country because it is a country "that moves to follow fire." Thus, Villa seemed to confirm charges that he wrote as if he wasn't birthed from that troubled country called the Philippines. And yet I would agree with Joaquin who posits that Villa was writing, indeed, as a Filipino. Because his poetry that seems to spring from nowhere is indeed rooted in Filipino history - it is the needful post-Revolution duty of killing the father. The Philippines had to move on; it had to move on into the period of its American colonization. In the mid-1950s, Jose gave up writing poems abruptly. He gave up writing poems because he said he didn't wish to repeat himself. But this doesn't necessarily explain why his work, after receiving such praise, would lapse into obscurity. He had already become happy, knowing the fact that he had achieved his goals.
Pancho Villa.
God said, "I made a man Out of clay- But so bright he, he spun Himself to brightest Day Till he was all shining gold And oh, He was handsome to behold! But in his hands held he a bow Aimed at me who created Him. And I said, 'Wouldst murder me Who am thy Fountainhead!' Then spoke he the man of gold: 'I will not Murder thee! I do but Measure thee. Hold Thy peace.' And this I did. But I was curious Of this so regal head. 'Give thy name!'- 'Sir! Genius.'"
The correct punctuation for the sentence "Very well said, Jose. I will race you, and I will win." includes a comma after "said" to set off the person's name (Jose) and after "you" to separate the clauses "I will race you" and "I will win".
In your written history it said he was a butcher.
I don't know about "favourite" as as such, but he said that he said John Terry was the toughest defensive player to oppose.