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Ottoman conquests substantially weakened the Byzantine Empire.

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Q: What impact did the ottoman empire have on the byzantine empire in the 15th century?
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What impact did the ottoman empire on the byzantine empire in the 15th century?

Ottoman conquests substantially weakened the Byzantine Empire.

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The Byzantine Empire.

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He brought an end to the Byzantine Empire.

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It affected trade between Europe and Asia.

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The main impact which the Byzantine Empire has had on the modern societies of many eastern European countries is the spread of Orthodox Christianity by Byzantine missionaries.

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What was the ultimate impact of the exploits or feats of Belisarius for the Byzantine Empire?

"During the reign of Justinian I, the empire reached the height of its power," and it was all because of who? Belisarius. If it wasn't for his "exploits," or what I consider to be killing sprees, under the rule of Justinian I, the Byzantine empire wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.The reason why they set out on these expeditions was to conquer western Roman territory, not the overall impact of their efforts. The answer islong-term dominance of the Byzantine Empire.

What impact world war 1 have on the Ottoman Empire?

The Ottoman Empire ceded much of its territory, and European nations took control. Additionally, there was a coup d'etat by senior Military Officers called the Young Turks (Jön Türkler) who proclaimed the Government of the Republic of Turkey, ending the Ottoman Empire in 1923.

What was the byzantine empire's best weapon?

The Byzantine Empire used a weapon called Greek fire, which no other group had. It was a flame thrower of some sort, but could alternately be a bomb or grenade that was thrown and burst into fire on impact.

How did Justinian impact the byzantine empire?

By the way i am studying about Justinian so bare with at that moment he made these code of laws because he wanted his empire to be stabled so what he did id that he created the code of laws and it made a huge impact on the empire it took care of the empire

How did the Justinian code impact the byzantine empire?

By the way i am studying about Justinian so bare with at that moment he made these code of laws because he wanted his empire to be stabled so what he did id that he created the code of laws and it made a huge impact on the empire it took care of the empire