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Q: What historian is interested to learn whether or not a new biography about a Roman Emperor is likely to be biased?
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What is the main job of a historian?

This requires a subjective answer, as many historians have pointed out. With that said, one main job of a historian is to search for facts about the topic or area that is being studied. The research for facts should be unbiased. If a bias is intended, then the historian needs to inform the reader of this. For example, a historian wants to write about Marxist interpretations of World War II. In such a publication the historian must say whether he/she is a Marxist or not.

Who was the Roman emperor that taxed everyone?

Rome taxed all its people and tributary states, whether under Republican or Imperial government.

Did Hitler like Disney?

It is not known whether Hitler liked Disney.

Which roman Emperor legalized christian religion?

The co-emperors Constantine the Great and Licinius issued the Edict of Milan in 313 AD which reiterated the toleration of Christianity which had been decreed by the Edict of Toleration by (emperor) Galerius in 311 and which which ended the Great Persecution of Christians that took place under Emperor Diocletian. The Edict of Milan also exerted toleration to all religions throughout the Roman Empire. These two edicts, however, did not proclaim any official religion. Christianity had never been illegal and the edicts were a change of policy from persecution to toleration. An official religion was proclaimed by the Edict of Thessalonica issued by co-emperors Gratian, Theodosius the Great and Valentinan II in 380 AD. This edict made the faith of the Catholic Church the only legitimate religion in the empire. This church subscribed to the Nicene Creed, a particular interpretation of the holy trinity and was opposed to other interpretations and other sects of Christianity. This church had a western (Latin) and an eastern (Greek) branch. After they later split they came to be called Catholic and Orthodox respectively. The aim of the Edict of Thessalonica was to ban and brand as heretic the other versions and sects of Christianity, especially Arian Christianity which was popular around the empire. A persecution of these sects was started soon after the issuing if the edict.

How did Emperor Hirohito persuade his soldiers to attack America?

Hirohito was convinced by his military that Japan should attack the USA once he signed of on that whether his solderers liked it or not there was nothing they could do about it.If you complained they simply removed your head.The Japanese revered their emperor as if he were a God and most of them would do anything for him.

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This requires a subjective answer, as many historians have pointed out. With that said, one main job of a historian is to search for facts about the topic or area that is being studied. The research for facts should be unbiased. If a bias is intended, then the historian needs to inform the reader of this. For example, a historian wants to write about Marxist interpretations of World War II. In such a publication the historian must say whether he/she is a Marxist or not.

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What is the main job of a historian?

This requires a subjective answer, as many historians have pointed out. With that said, one main job of a historian is to search for facts about the topic or area that is being studied. The research for facts should be unbiased. If a bias is intended, then the historian needs to inform the reader of this. For example, a historian wants to write about Marxist interpretations of World War II. In such a publication the historian must say whether he/she is a Marxist or not.

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The "Mandate of Heaven" is an ancient Chinese philosophical concept in ancient times. It determines whether an emperor of China is capable to rule and if the chosen emperor is not capable of it, then the emperor loses its rights to be an emperor.

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Is he in interested in me?

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