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What helped the Cherokee's survive the trail of the tears was their hunt for food.

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3y ago
they all had jobs to do 
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Melanie Lobos Torres

Lvl 1
2y ago
They hunted the game

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Q: What helped the cherokee survive on the trial of the tears?
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What president was in office during the trial of tears?

barack obama

Who were you on the trial of tears?

The Trail of Tears was the forced removal of several different Native American tribes. The tribes on the Trail of Tears included the Choctaws, Muskogee, Creek, Chickasaws, Cherokees, and Seminoles.

How are the Trail of Tears and the long walk the same and how are they different.?

The trial of tears is from tribes from florida like the Seminole and the other of the 5 civilized tribes & the long walk is from the navajo

What was the Trail of Tears and why did it happen?

there is no way to tell for sure if there is one event that really started the removal of the Indians. Greed, Western Expansion, and feeling superior to the "savages" caused this and most of the persecution of the Native American people. The Cherokee people tried very hard to become what the dominant culture wanted. They owned land, farmed, and even owned slaves. They had a written language and published a newspaper in that language. They were still driven out. Many of their persecutors moved into the farms and homes they left behind. The white man's greed is what caused the Trail of Tears to occur. They wanted more land and forced the Indians to move out of the land they wanted. The Indian Problem, specifically the forced-draft resettlement ( accompanied by US Army troops) of the Cherokee tribe, eventually to wide tracts in among other places, oOklahoma. what was lightly called the Cherokee strip by the White man- and the epic land rush with cowhands and chuck-wagons ( a stamp and cover was done on this theme) was called by the uprooted Native Americans, the Trail or Tears. of course, this phrase can be applied to any tragic situation- such as the child-abuse epidemic among churchmen.

What were some difficulties for the travelers during the trial of tears?

This was a brutal event for Native Americans. They were walked in the dead of winter from Georgia to Oklahoma. Men, women, children, sick, old, and babies were forced to leave their ancestral lands. They died from disease, injuries, and starvation. There is a reason it is called Trail of Tears.

Related questions

Why was the immigration of the Cherokee called the trial of tears?

It was known as the "Trail of Tears" when the Cherokee nation was forced onto a reservation.

What Indian tribe lost 4000 or its people because of the trial of tears?


What route was taken by the Cherokee Indians during the trial of tears?

There were several routes taken by the army soldiers when They forced The Cherokee, Chickowa

What two major bodies of water did the Cherokee cross on the trial of tears?

The Cherokee crossed the Tennessee River and the Mississippi River during the Trail of Tears. These crossings were difficult and dangerous, leading to further suffering and loss of life among the Cherokee people.

How far did the Cherokee walk in the trial of tears?

During the Trail of Tears, the Cherokee people were forced to walk approximately 800 miles from their homeland in the southeastern United States to Indian Territory in present-day Oklahoma. The journey was grueling and many Cherokee died along the way due to harsh conditions, disease, and starvation.

What should you see in Oklahoma?

Trial Of Tears

What Indian tribe endured much suffering on the trial of tears?

Trail not Trial. Anyway, Pawnee.

What president was in office during the trial of tears?

barack obama

List the states the trial of tears crossed?

Brandon is the best ok....

What are the release dates for Arrest and Trial - 1963 Tears from a Silver Dipper 1-3?

Arrest and Trial - 1963 Tears from a Silver Dipper 1-3 was released on: USA: 29 September 1963

Who were you on the trial of tears?

The Trail of Tears was the forced removal of several different Native American tribes. The tribes on the Trail of Tears included the Choctaws, Muskogee, Creek, Chickasaws, Cherokees, and Seminoles.

Did Chief Joseph walk in the trial of tears?

No, Chief Joseph was not involved in the Trail of Tears as that event took place in the 1830s, while Chief Joseph was a Nez Perce leader during the late 19th century. The Trail of Tears specifically refers to the forced removal of Native American tribes, primarily the Cherokee, from their lands to Indian Territory (now Oklahoma). Chief Joseph led his people in resisting forced relocation to a reservation in the 1870s.