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Apex- The failure of government policies to address the race-based wealth gap.

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago

An increase in the unemployment rate

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Q: What has been one major problem in south Africa since the end of aparthied?
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What has been the major problem in South Africa since the end of apartheid?

Answer this question The failure of government policies to address the race-based wealth gap …

Did Nelson Mandela introduce apartheid to south Africa?

No, Apartheid was a policy of segregation introduced into law by the National Party of South Africa after winning the white only election of 1948. Nelson Mandela has fought against the policy of Aparthied since he joined the ANC.

A big problem challenging the economies of many African nations today is?

High unemployment rates is the major problem challenging many African nations today. Which has resulted in a number of social problems, since Africa has a large youthful population.

When were African countries discovered?

There is a problem here, which is that when Africa was discovered, it contained no countries, since countries are defined by those who settle in them. According to the oldest records, the first countries in Africa were Cush and Egypt (Mizraim).

What was a major problem that people who lived near the Tigris and Euphrates river encountered?

Since the people were near the river they mostly encountered flooding

What has been one major problem in South Africa since the end of apartheid?

An increase in the unemployment rate.

What country does avocado come from in Africa?

The Avocado is NOT native to Africa, it originates in South America. It does however grow widely in Africa since it was introduced there.

What plan did Abraham Lincoln Have to solve the slave problem upon their release after the war?

He went to Africa to find kids that were rock poor to help with the war. He said that he would pay them 2 cents per day since in Africa its like a billion bucks.

What are the problem farmers face and get some solution?

One major problem that farmers face is the harsh weather condition. Droughts and excessive rainfall can ruin crops causing the farmers to make less income. There is not a set solution for this problem since the weather cannot be controlled.

How can sasol solve the petrol problem in south Africa?

Sasol is a petrol producer in South Africa and the world's largest producer of motor fuel from coal. In Aug 2011, Sasol closed at its lowest level on the New York Stock Exchange since Sept. 23, 2010.

How did East Africa become a region with great diversity of language and religion?

- Hundreds of languages are spoken, and Islam is the major religion. ... The cultures of East Africa are diverse, but there are common threads that run through ... to be the Cradle of Man, the region where modern hominids evolved. ... Since the 1980s East Africa has produced a great deal of fusion music, ...

Can iphones be used in Africa?

If you can find a place with service, they'll work fine. you'd be roaming though, and since your a long ways away from anyone you'd be calling, itd probably be close to $1.50 a minute. But finding a place with service would be hard, unless your in South Africa, the more advanced region of Africa, then you shouldn't have a problem.