In his first week in office, Barack Obama did the following:
Na Na Na Na Na Na Batman
In his first 7 months in office
First Year:
He became President of the United States. President Obama is also the first black President of the United States.
He also:
In his first week in office, Barack Obama did the following:
In his first 7 months in office
There are some indicators of our current president's success at this admittedly early point in his presidency. On a positive note the massive $787 Billion stimulus package did bring our economy out of a recession, the economy is growing again but is not up to pre-recession levels yet. The negative aspect of this stimulus package is that the public debt is now over $13 Trillion. Another problem with our current economic state is that companies such as Goldman-Sachs have been reassured that they are too-big-to-fail and that their risky and fundamentally poor business practices will be rewarded by the government. This means that basic capitalistic economics have been abandoned in favor of socialistic practices that protect businesses no matter how well they perform. This encourages large businesses to take unsafe risks rather than produce a competitive product.
Healthcare is Obama's main concern at this point and he has dedicated a lot of time and effort into his healthcare bill. The interesting thing about this bill is that despite a democratic majority in the House of Representatives and a filibuster proof super-majority in the Senate the Democrats cannot pass President Obama's bill. This is the sticking point for the Obama administration. If a democratic bill cannot pass with a democratic president and congress then American's will perceive the democratic party as week and ineffective in governing the country. Thus a swing back toward a republican majority in congress in the mid term elections of 2010.
Obama spent several weeks early on in his term petitioning the Olympic committee for his home city of Chicago. Obama, along with Opera attempted to obtain the summer Olympics of 2016 for the windy city. This attempt brought charges from both parties that he was not focusing on the serious issues facing the nation.
Obama visited many Middle Eastern countries in the summer of 2009. He gave a series of speeches concerning the U.S. foreign policy toward the Middle East. While many complimented his emphasis on peace and trust others maligned his lack of concern for national security in his presentation.
Conversely, Obama has increased the troop concentration in Afghanistan while decreasing those in Iraq. While Obama promised he would remove troops from the Middle East in many of his campaign speech this has not been the case. Troops are not being permanently removed from the region, rather they are being transfered to Another Country.
Most significantly Obama has spent money. He has spent more money in a shorter amount of time than any president in history. In February 2010 he and congress spent $220.09 billion. Conversely democrats anticipate that healthcare reform will save a total of $132 billion over the next 10 years. That means that during the shortest month of the year Obama spent more than his keystone legislation would save in 10 years. Where did that money go you might ask? Into the very hands that put us in an economic recession in the first place. Wall Street. I should mention that this money being spent is coming from taxpayers, not the Federal Reserve. If you question any of this information I suggest researching Obama spending on any search engine.
Barack Obama, whose father was black, is the only US President with any known African ancestry. The related link is likely the source of your question. I think the moral is that anybody can post anything on the Internet, but that posting does not make it true. On the other hand, if you are asking about other places in the world, there have certainly been black presidents or prime ministers in several African countries, including Ghana, Uganda, and South Africa.
Many things..going as far back as ancient times. Here is a quote from our great President Barack Obama as he toasted Mexico's President Felipe Calderón at a White House dinner: "We celebrate all that Mexico and its ancient civilizations has given the world throughout history -- advances in architecture and astronomy, mathematics and medicine, and of course, some very good food -- including the "food of the gods" -- chocolate" (Laughter.)
Obama has increased the national debt more than any president ever by quite a bit. That pretty much implies increasing the "deficit" more than any president ever, also.Reagan may have been worse on a percentage basis; if I recall properly, the national debt approximately doubled during his tenure, and Obama has "only" increased it by about 1.5x. Of course, he's done it in only one term; if he get elected again, he's well on track to beat Reagan by the time he's done, and in terms of the actual dollar amount, he's already far ahead of Reagan.
Note: This question is asking for opinions. Please keep the tone friendly when adding yours. If you disagree with another opinion in these answers, do not put that here, that is what the discussion section is for. When adding your opinion, put it below those opinions before yours.No, he is far from being a Nazi. Nazism is the extreme right wing ideology that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party espoused. On the spectrum of political beliefs, this ideology is about as far to the right as one can get. Conversely, the Communist ideology that Josef Stalin espoused is an extreme left wing ideology that is about as far to the left as one can get.The extreme far right is afraid of the left. And the extreme far left is afraid of the right. Many times in American politics, conservatives will see anyone who is to the left of them as extreme liberals, whether they are extreme or not. It might also be said that members of the extreme left might also see any conservative as an extremist.When President Barack Obama is painted as a Nazi, he is being painted by people who are far closer to Hitler than he could ever be - Just because his views are left of center and not right of center. The apparent purpose of those calling him Nazi is not to be correct, or even fair, but just to create anger and anxiety, preventing him from accomplishing his Presidential goals.To call President Obama a 'Nazi' is a stretch of the word beyond all belief. Like the term 'socialist' or 'Marxist', 'Nazi' is not a term of political ideology so much as an insult in American politics: when you don't like someone, you call them a 'Nazi'.To be clear, Nazism entails a series of commitments, such as militarism, nationalism, eugenics, dismantling of capitalism, destruction of class differences, opposition to liberalism, democracy, and conservatism, and even support for revolution. President Obama, as much as he may be disliked by sections of the U.S. society, clearly does not meet all of these requirements. Therefore, it is false that he is a Nazi.
She is more important to the British Commonwealth than the US President. So far as the world is concerned the US President has more power.
BUSH no barack obama! 44th president!
yes because he has done 1 term so far
obama has beacme a president
Barack Obama is the only Hawaiian born president so far.
of course he's bad!
The President's influence has been positive so far.
Barack Obama is the only US president with any black ancestors. His father was a black African.
While Bill Clinton was jokingly called this because he was so supportive of black issues and had so many friends in the black community, Mr. Clinton was (and is) white. Barack Obama (the 44th President of the US, born August 4, 1961) is widely considered the "first black president of the United States," although his mother was white. Barack Obama became President of the US on January 20th, 2009.
No. He selected former Delaware senator Joseph (Joe) Biden as Vice President in 2008, and Mr. Biden is the same person President Obama selected in 2012. So both President Obama and Vice President Biden will be serving two terms in office.
Some of Barack Obama's accomplishments are sending out +800 bills, most of which helped the US. He also was elected president and recently sent out an economic stimulus package. Many wait from Obama immediate recovery and resolution of all problems they had through many years so far. It's unfair. During a year in White House Obama has done a lot. In the related links below is a brief summary of major accomplishments of Barack Obama during his presidency.
Nothing really our economy is plumiting to an all time low!!
No, it has not been reported that he has asthma. One of his daughters has allergies, but as far as we know, the president is quite healthy and has no difficulties with his breathing.