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When Soviet leaders spent too much money on their military, the military was able to get the best managers, labor and materials. This caused the civilian sector of the economy to be unable to provide enough goods for the populace, thus contributing to the poor economic growth of the Soviet Union in the civilian sector.

They could not produce enough consumer goods to keep people happy

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They could not produce enough consumer goods to keep people happy -APEX

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Q: What happened when the Soviet Union spent too much money on their military?
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When the Soviet union spent to much money on their military what happened?

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Ronald Reagan is because he spent so much money on military offensive and defensive weapons, the Soviet Union went bankrupt trying to keep up. It was a classic case of what can go wrong simply by trying to keep up with the Joneses.

Is communism still in Soviet Union?

No. The Soviet Union is now many independent countries, including Russia, which now has a President.

How did the us contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union?

In many ways, the Soviet Union collapsed of it's own weight, having spent so much of it's budget on military buildup, for decades. Of course, getting mired in their war against Afghanistan, which received massive covert funding from the United States did not help the Soviets much either. It even resulted in a sort of generational distrust of the old Soviet guard by the younger military members. Just like Vietnam did to the United States, with our protests and our generation gap. Afghanistan was a major drain on Soviet money, military personnel and equipment. It was their version of what happened to the United States in Vietnam. In this modern age of instant satellite media, it was also becoming harder to control everyone's news intake. American president Ronald Reagan dared the Soviet Union to tear down the Iron Curtain (by association, the Berlin Wall). By the end of the 1980's, the Soviet Union was going sour. Reformation efforts by acting leader Mikhail Gorbachev further pushed things over the edge for the old Soviet ways, which were being replaced by his "'Glasnost" movement. The world was electrified when the Soviet Union flew the old Russian flag over the Kremlin, and the Berlin Wall came down.