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those in the North were roused by the books written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. while those in the south were not ready to give up their slaves, Abraham Lincoln, as the president, said that there would no longer be any slavery

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Rosella Runte

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those in the North were roused by the books written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. while those in the south were not ready to give up their slaves, Abraham Lincoln, as the president, said that there would no longer be any slavery

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Aria Lee

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Q: What happened to the quarrel between north and south over slavery?
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What happened to quarrel between the north and south slavery?

those in the North were roused by the books written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. while those in the south were not ready to give up their slaves, Abraham Lincoln, as the president, said that there would no longer be any slavery

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What is true about the issue of slavery?

Slavery was one cause of conflict between the north and the south.

What year did the civil war happened?

The American Civil War occurred on April 12, 1861 and it was a quarrel between the north and the south (Yankees and Confederates). On April 9, 1865 Lee surrendered to Grant and the war ended. The civil war happened from 1862-1865.

What was the first fighting between the North and South about?

It was about slavery.

What happened after slavery grew rapidly in the south?

The North didn't like it, and started war.

What was the way of life in 1850 in the north and in the south?

the slavery and the south was one ver important difference between the north and south slavery

What were the differences between the south and the north ideologies pre civil war?

One of the obvious differences between the North and the South during the U.S. Civil War was that the North was anti-slavery and the South was pro-slavery.

What made the Southerners fear that the North would abolish slavery?

The Southerners knew that the North or the Union wanted to abolish slavery. With the growing friction between the South and the North, they threatened to secede if a Republican became president, which happened when Aberham Lincoln became president. The Southerners feared that their rich southern way of life would end.

What were the differences in the north and south?

The difference between the north and the south is the north did not have slavery but the south had the bad slavery and all that broughnt it intot the north and everything went mixed up. The north had factories and the south had plantiations.

How did the north and south view the civil war before the fighting began?

there are tons of other websites that will give you that answer but the main reason was because of slavery issues between the north and the south. the north was anti slavery and the south was pro slavery.