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They thought that if they participated in the war, the British would form them into their own countries. That got their hopes up, but they didn't get it. Like I said, they just thought it would happen.

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^^ PInches Mamadas..

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Q: What happened to the European colonies in Asia and Africa following World War 2?
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What happened to many European colonies in Africa and Asia after World War two?

they declaired independance

What happened to the European colonies in Asia and Africa following World War II?

Since the end of European colonization of Asia and Africa, Europe has seen much more modern advancements particularly in industrialization and technology. Europe has greatly developed and modernized as a continent, especially in the west, all together.

Which of the following describes the political state of Africa most of its European colonies gained their independence?

Its country was divided for colonial reasons.

What type of colonies shaped the country of Africa?

European Colonies

What was the growth of European colonies in Africa called?

The Scramble for Africa.

Are there any European colonies left in Africa?


Which of is the following is a similarity between European imperialism in India and in Africa?

Europeans used military force to dominate native peoples and establish permanent colonies.

What European colonies colonized south Africa?

The British and Dutch Empires.

Which European nations owned which pacific rim colonies?

africa zulu.......

What European countries owned the largest number of colonies in Africa?


Which European power has small colonies in Africa?

No European countries own a "colony" in Africa anymore. Spain does, however, own two small cities in North Africa (they are not colonies, they are parts of Spain). France and the United Kingdom own some islands off the coast of Africa, as well.

What did European colonies in Africa Asia and the pacific want after ww1?

because of georgia