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During WW2, France experienced not only an invasion by a foreign power, but also an internal conflict not unlike that in the contemporary Spain. A large part of the French had never been able to accept a republican, liberal and secular France, though surely not all of them believed German occupation to be the best way to overcome it. The Nazis forced on France a satellite regime let by Marshal Vichy, a WW1 hero and prominent conservative.

In colonies however proportion of the conservative French was much higher than in metropolitan France. The colonists had traditionally disliked not only liberal ways, but also other European colonial powers, especially the British, who were more obviously a threat to them in the colonies, than to their cousins in European France. Also, French colonists experienced no Nazi occupation and therefore did not face a hard choice between being disloyal to their political beliefs and being instrumental to a foreign occupation.

Therefore the French colonies did not, in general, side with the Allies though their position varied much. Some of them, as Indochina, were simply occupied by an Axis power, local French colonists being treated rather unfriendly. Others kept quite and tried to not get involved in military conflict. Further others actively resisted to the Allies and had to be overtaken by force. During those operations Free French (pro-Allies) soldiers had sometimes to fight their colonial compatriots. By the end of the WW2 all French colonies accepted Free French government though the colonists remained more traditionalist politically compared to the European French.

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They fought over dildos. There weren't enough dildos for all of them so they got furious and started throwing dildos at each other.

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Q: What happened to french colonies during World War 2?
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