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At the close of World War II, General Douglas MacArthur, in charge of the U.S. occupation of Japan, kept Hirohito on the throne rather than charge him with war crimes, and Hirohito renounced his divinity and agreed to adopt a constitutional monarchy. During Hirohito's lifetime he was often depicted as a benign and even passive bystander to events, more interested in marine biology than geopolitics. Since his death in 1989, that image has been challenged by critics who argue that Hirohito encouraged the military aggression toward China in the early 1930s, participated in the planning of the attacks on Pearl Harbor (1941) and prolonged the war against the U.S. and Great Britain unnecessarily. After his death in 1989, Hirohito was succeeded by his son, the Emperor Akihito.

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15y ago
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7y ago

Hideki Tojo was executed by hanging in 1948 after the War Crimes Trials. He tried but failed to commit suicide on September 11, 1945, when US Military police arrested him.

Deflecting responsibility from Emperor Hirohito, Tojo accepted the blame for the deaths that resulted from Japan's violations of human rights and of the principles of the Geneva Conventions. (Although the Bushido Code taught soldiers that surrender was dishonorable and that captive enemies did not deserve fair treatment.)

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16y ago

He remained Japan's Emperor until his death in 1989.

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14y ago

Not a thing. Well, he had to admit to his people that he was not a living god. Biggest war criminal unhung.

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What happened to Hideki Tojo during World War 2?

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Who was the dictador of japan during world war 2?

Hideki Tojo