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Salerno was the site of the Allied amphibious landings on the mainland of Italy. This beach area is located south of Naples and the objective was to capture the port city of Naples.

The US 5th Army landed on the southern beaches and the primary unit that landed was the 36th Infantry Division. The British landed further north with the 46 and 56 Infantry Divisions and British Commandos. The American Rangers and paratroopers landed in and around the town of Salerno.

The first day of the landing was not very critical as the Germans were prepared for it after hearing Churchill's speech about the armistice with Italy. When they counter-attacked the Americans fought to hold on to their beach head, there was thought of the Allies retreating. Even General Mark Clark went to the front and directed artillery fire. With reserves from the 45th Infantry Division and Air Marshall Tedder's air raids, the Americans were able to push farther north, closer to Naples.

Also, the British forces that had landed on the "toe" and "heel" of Italy were rapidly advancing behind the German forces that held the Americans back. After the Germans slowly backed away to the north, the Allied troops were able to capture Naples on Oct. 1st 1943.

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Q: What happened in Salerno Italy in World War 2?
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