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Japan and the United States were in the process of peace talks when Japan launched their attack on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese did give the American people medals. The Americans put the medals on bombs that were dropped on Japan in the months following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

No one knew except the Japanese. It was basically a surprise attack, although the U.S sensed the Japanese on radar. By the time they could figure out what was happening, the bombings began.

Before the Pearl Harbor Attack, there was already tension between the Japanese and the Americans as America had stopped trading oil, which was vital to the Japanese, and was putting pressure on Japan for invading other South East Asian countries, which the Americans did not want to happen.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 20y ago

The United States placed an embargo on the further sale of iron and other raw materials to Japan unless she agreed to cease her attacks on China. Without those raw materials Japan could not supply her armed forces. It was therefor necessary, if she wanted to remain able to wage war, to gain control of the raw materials in South-East Asia. But before South-east Asia could be attacked, it was necessary to destroy American power in the Pacific so that we couldn't stop them. Michael Montagne

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βˆ™ 9y ago

At approximately 6:30am a Japanese mini submarine was spotted inside Pearl Harbor. The Ward was patroling the edges of the harbor when one of the helmsmen noticed a shape in the water. The minisub was shot and sunk. When the message was relayed of the encounter there was no mention that the submarine had been sunk; therefore the message was treated as a possible siting and not taken as seriously as necessary. The radar systems were new at the time as well so when the Japanese air attack was seen on radar they were mistaken for US bombers flying in from the mainland. The radio station usually was off during the night but due to the bombers enroute to Hawaii, the radio signal was used as a homing beacon. Unfortunately it also led the Japanese to Pearl Harbor. By 7:55am the first wave of planes was at Pearl and dropping torpedos and bombs on Battleship Row. The first ship hit was the Oklahoma which was torpedoed, rolled on its side and began to sink. Next the Utah was hit. The Utah took all of 8 minutes and it was completely submerged. At 8:10am the Arizona was hit with an estimated 8 arial bombs. One of which broke through decks until it landed in the armory. When the bomb went off it ignited 1,075 pounds of gunpowder, as well as the bombs in a neighboring compartment. The Arizona bombing alone caused 1,177 US deaths. In the first 15 minutes we had lost over 1200 men. Some of whom were alive but due to the ships structure and that they were submerged we were unable to free them. If we used torches to cut the oxygen was used up and they suffocated, and if we used drills it took too long to open a space for the men to fit through. I do know that a few men were freed Monday afternoon where the ship was not completely submerged.(Sorry I cannot verify which ship at the moment, I will continue to look for you) The airfields were also attacked, and at the time we kept our aircraft together to better protect them. Unfortunately it only made it easier to damage our aircrafts. Lt Welsh and Lt Taylor did manage to get airborne. They were able to shoot down approx. 7 of the 11 Japanese aircraft that were lost. During this time the expected US bombers did make it to Hawaii, but when relocating they did not travel armed so they had no way to fight back and their only recourse was to land. Most of them survived. Dorie Miller was a cook on the West Virginia. Dorie had taken his Captain below decks after he had been wounded, Miller found a gun unmanned after returning topside. Dorie began firing at the Japanese aircrafts that were flying among the battleships. His efforts took down 2 aircraft and he had not been trained how to fire the weapon. In 110 minutes over 2,400 Americans were lost. If there is more that you are looking for please ask and if I dont know I will research it for you. Reading Day of Infamy by Walter Lord would help as well. Kathleen Hughes

AnswerPrior to Pearl Harbr then President Roosvelt had been advised by various intelligence sources that the Japanes fleet was heading, and intended to attack the Hawaian Islans.

The intelligence data was availble three mothns prior to the attack on Pearl, and was continually updated.

Roosevelt ordered the data to be supressed, and not to advise the west coast, or Hawian Island commands.

The attack took place on the early morning of December 7th, 1941, right on the schedule predicted by intelligence.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Before Pearl Harbor; there were actually TWO wars going on in the world. One in Europe and one in Asia. WW2 became a "Real" World War when the US entered it on December 7, 1941.

The date of starting WW2 on September 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, was due to pressure from Great Britain. Britain specializes in military history, and as military history isn't that popular in the US, compared to sports (football, baseball, etc.), we let Britain have it's way. WW2 started in September 1939!

What a ridiculous, insulting and completely ignorant statement to make. WWII began when Germany invaded Poland in 1939 because Britain made a decision to support its ally. This is not opinion it is an irrefutable fact recorded in historical documentation around the world without any influence by Britain.

Until 1941 Britain and the British Empire (including Canada, Australasia and much of Africa) Germany, Europe, the Middle East, Russia, and the Far East were at war. In most people's opinion this would constitute a 'world' war.

The US, tried hard to stay out of the War leaving Britain and its Commonwealth to stand alone against the Nazi tyranny that would have threatened the US just as badly. This was basically because the US was making a killing selling arms to Japan and an absolute fortune fleecing Britain by selling its so called 'oldest ally' arms at an extortionate cost in its hour of need.

The attack on Pearl Harbor really upset the apple cart for the yanks as they were now forced to actually become involved in a World War that was already taking place without them. That's the only reason the US got involved. However to state that it wasn't a real world war until the US got involved totally belittles the two years of War and massive loss of life by many nations. It does not mean that such significant events as the Battle of France, Battle of Britain and the Blitz were totally insignificant and of no importance until the US decided to join the party!

The simple statement that the US is more interested in sport rather than world history says it all! It is also significant that the one sport the yanks don't care for is actually the most popular and most widely played game on the planet - football. Probably because they are not very good at it. And I'm talking about real football here not the one with the helmets and padding. The US prefers to play sports and 'World Series' in which they are the only nation to take part - funny that.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

In Pearl Harbor, the Navy and ships were doing their normal thing, the battleships were sitting in Battleship row and the men were doing their normal routines and stuff. In Japan, the Japanese were invading China and the Japanese Navy were plotting attacks against the United States Navy to pretty much get us out of the picture. In Europe, Germany was invading Poland and starting to attack other countries like France and Czechoslovakia.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Japan was involved in a war of aggression with China, the Sino-Japanese War. The Western Powers (the British Commonwealth, the United States, the Netherlands, and others) threatened Japan with economic sanctions, including suspension of trade in East Indies Oil. The Japanese industrial complex could not exist without petroleum; so, the Imperial High Command determined to attack Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Indies, and strategic Pacific islands practically simultaneously on December 7th/8th. (The attacks took place on both sides of the International Dateline.)

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Atlantic charter issued

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