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Artillerymen fired: 105mm and 155mm field guns; 155mm and 175mm SPGs (Self Propelled Guns).

US Tankers fired: 90mm cannons (M48 Patton tank main gun) and 152mm cannons (M551 Sheridan tank main gun).

Australian tankers used Centurian tanks which fired 84mm main guns (20 pounders).

South Vietnamese tankers used the M41 Walker Bulldog light tank, which fired a 76mm main gun.

North Vietnamese Army (NVA) tankers used the PT76 light tank which fired a 76mm main gun and the T54 medium tank which fired a 100mm cannon.

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14y ago

The Vietnam War used Self Propelled Guns and Field Guns. Self Propelled Guns look like tanks, they have tank treads. Field Guns were pulled (towed) by army trucks. Field guns were also called; Field Pieces, Cannons, and just Guns.

1. SPGs-155mm, 8", and 175mm. Plus the SPAT, a Self Propelled Anti-Tank gun (90mm)

2. Field Guns-105mm and 155mm

Mortars-60mm, 81mm, and 4.2"

Recoilless Rifles-57mm, 90mm, 106mm

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14y ago

The US Army. The NVA only had a few pieces (Soviet/Chinese Communist supplied), and those were stashed away deep in the mountains; other wise they would have been destroyed by US airpower. The US Marine Corps had what equalled to US Army field guns, and the ARVN used US Army supplied guns. New Zealanders and Australian artillerymen also used US Army supplied guns.

The NVA supplemented their field guns with mortars and 122mm rockets. The US Army seldom, if ever, counter-batteried with US rockets; but did possess 81mm, 4.2" mortars (the USMC still had some 60mm mortars in their inventory).

The US Army field artillery in South Vietnam consisted of:

1. M42 Duster; twin 40mm (actually belonging to Corp level AAA)

2. 105mm field pieces

3. 155mm field guns

4. M56 SPAT 90mm (anti-tank self propelled gun)

5. 155mm SPG (Self Propelled Gun)

6. 175mm SPG (Self Propelled Gun)

7. 8" SPG

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14y ago

Discounting mortars, two types: SPG (Self Propelled Guns) and Field Guns (Towed pieces).

1. SPG-155mm, 8", 175mm, and the 90mm SPAT (Self Propelled Anti-Tank gun).

2. Field Guns-155mm and 105mm

Recoilless Rifles: 57mm, 90mm, and the 106mm

US Navy guns:

1. Battleship 16" (USS New Jersey)

2. Heavy Cruisers 8"

3. Light Cruisers 6"

4. Destroyers 5"

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Q: What guns were used in the Vietnam war?
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What guns did the US use in veitnom?

You mean "Vietnam". There were many firearms used in Vietnam by the U.S. The USGI started the war using M14 but switched shortly in the war to the M16 as the primary rifle. As for machine guns, they used the M-60. Pistols were Beretta 9mm and a few 1911 .45 because some people were smart and keep their 1911 from before the switch to 9mm. There are many more firearms used in Vietnam by the US, but those were the main players.

Is Vietnam war also known as the cold war?

No. The cold war was a separate event but was continuous with no stopping until the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. The Viet War was simply "part" of the cold war...the shooting part of the cold war. The cold war itself was NO WAR AT ALL. That's why they called it "Cold" the guns didn't get hot! When guns are fired they get HOT! In Vietnam the guns got hot.

What weapon was not used in Vietnam during the war?

Nuclear weapons were not used during the Vietnam war

What was accomplished by fighting the Vietnam War?

We put guns back onto our jets. Prior to the war, we only had missiles on them!