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There have been several people groups that have been associated with the act of scalping most notably the native Americans. Several other groups like the Scytians and the Visigoths practiced scalping.

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Q: What group of people were known for scalping?
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A bunch of Mexicans running around with hatchets and scalping people.

How was scalping done?

Scalping is done by tearing or cutting a part of the scalp along with hair from the enemy's head.

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No, in the state of Arizona ticket scalping is legal with some restrictions. It is illegal only if they are scalping the tickets with in 200 feet of the entery of the event.

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Scalping today can possibly be survived due to medical fundamentals that are taught today. However back when the American frontier was being explored, a victim of scalping usually died due to blood loss.

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Ethnic group.

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The cast of Scalping Tickets - 2011 includes: Peter Falcetti as Scalper Phil Swetz as Construction Worker

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