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First line is ....Last name, first name and then middle name initial

Second line is...the serial number of the person...if it starts with the letters US it means the person was drafted...if it starts with the letters RA it means the person enlisted and is part of the regular army...the first one or two letters after that means which (army, navy ect)he was inducted into (example #5 would mean the person was inducted into the 5th Army ect.) after that is just numbers give to that person.

Third line is the letter T meaning tetanus shot and the date given (T52) and then after that on the same line is the blod tipe of the person

Fifth line at the bottom of tag on the right side is a letter denoting religion (C would mean Catholic and so on)

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Q: What goes on each line of a Korean war era dog tag 1952 line 1 Name Line 2 Service number line 3 does t52 and blood both go here line 4 or blood here line 5 Religion?
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Continue Learning about General History

What were the consequences of the Korean War for the soviet union and the US?

The communists now knew that the US would spill blood to contain them.

Did Mayan kings base their power on religion and warfare or on trade?

Mayan kings sacrificed their own blood to please the gods and based their economy on religion

If a soldier was captured during World War 2 what were the only facts he was required to give?

Name, Rank & Serial number For American soldiers, this was the only information that was recorded on their Dog-tags that they wore around their neck, along with Blood Type and Religion.

What did Korea bring to japan?

Korea brought many things to Japan.About 300AD Korean people came to Japan and indigenous Japanese were nearly monkeys.Korean people tought how to do farming,Chinese,and cultures.Also about 2or3hundreds later Korean gave a sword because of friendship.Also in 1592 to 1598 Korea and Japan had a big war.At first Japan beated Korea because they had muskeet guns from Portugal but later Korea won because Korea had good cannons.Then Japan colonized Korean in1910 for 36 years because of that nowadays Japanese people learn wrong history.Teachers teach Korea learnt cultivating from Japan,Japanese tought Korean to Korean people... Those nonsense stuff.Even 30%of Japanese blood come from Koreans.These are continueing even now and it became east sea of Korea turned into the troubled area.(In diplomacy) If you ask about something like related to two countries for E.X:Japanese massacred Korean and Chinese to Japanese they would say they have never did that. p.s:I am Korean but don't think I wrote it to say Japanese are bad.

How are dog tags set up?

Dog Tags are set up to disclose the most personal information about a person, suitable for identification, Medical Treatment and Burial rites. They are issued to Military Personnel with information in this order: Last Name, First Name Middle Initial Social Security Number Blood Type Preferred Religion

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Colonel Sherman Potter's service number was ER 76655, his blood type was AB negative, and his religion was Presbyterian.

What info was provided on USAF dog tags in 1975?

Name (last) First & middle initial Service number (SSN) Blood type Religion

What goes on a dog tag?

my dogtags have my name,rank,branch of service,religion choice,and blood type.

Does Nichkhun have any Korean blood?

No, he is Thai and Chinese.

What are dog tags used for?

Dog tags are two plates measure about two inches long containing the service member name, soc sec number, blood type and religion. They are used to identify the service member when he is not able to identify himself. In combat, one is hanged by the neck and the other one is placed in the boot ties.

What information was on a World War 2 Japanese dog tag?

Name, Rank, Service Number,Blood Type

What is a soldiers ID?

A soldier ID is a military Dog Tag which contains a persons full name, serial number,blood type and religion.

What was five things they had on a dog tag?

Last Name, First Name Service Number (which is now the Social Security Number) Blood Type Religious Preference

What is the budget of New Zealand Blood Service?

The budget of New Zealand Blood Service is 103,000,000 dollars.

Where can one learn more about the National Blood Service?

The National Blood service is a service where you donate your blood to a person in need. If you're over 17 and have good health, then you are eligible. Giving your blood could save a persons life.

When was Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service created?

Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service was created in 1930.

In Korean culture, what personality traits go with my blood type?

In the Korean culture, personality is often associated with a person's blood type. For example, people with blood type A are thought to be more inclined to being perfectionists. Blood type B people are thought to be more creative and optomistic. The personality traits associated with blood type AB are cool, controlled, and rational. And lastly people with blood type O are ambitious and self-confident.