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The Demon Days were created during the Age of the Gods, when a year was originally three-hundred and sixty days long. However, when Ra heard a prophecy saying that a child of Nut and Geb would overthrow him, he forbade the two to have any children on the three-hundred and sixty days of the year. Desperate, Nut gambled with the moon god, Khonsu, and won enough moonlight from him to create five more days. She gave birth to one child each day, resulting in Osiris on December 27th, Horus on the 28th, Set on the 29th, Isis on the 30th, and lastly Nephthys on the 31st. In punishment, Ra forced Geb and Nut apart for all, Isis, Set, Nephthys, and Horus in that order, starting on the 26th of December.

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Q: What gods were born on the Egyptian demon days?
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