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Ivan the terrible was known to wack down and slice open live birds. He was known to fry people alive and remove their flesh while they were still struggling. He invited several of his advisors on a winter trip to the country. Halfway there, he stripped them of their royal robes and forced them to return to Moscow naked, on foot, in the snow. He threw live small animals (like cats or birds or mice) off of the tops of buildings. He was a terrible, terrible man indeed. -quote my history book

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Q: What forms of torture did Ivan the terrible use?
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Yes Ivan The Terrible did use mercury. Some say, he would treat his back pain with mercury which would put him in a bipolar state.

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The newer forms of torture use medical procedures and drugs to produce intense physical pain and/or physiological distress without any continued effort.

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Ivan Vasilyevich showed no unusual signs of sadistic behavior or cruelty during the early part of his life. It wasn't until the effects of mercury poisoning began to manifest in him that he began his campaign of false accusations, torture and murder. He had taken a mercury containing medication for his chronic and painful arthritic condition. Modern forensics have proved this. Given the new evidence, it would be safe to say he was not evil but rather suffering from mental illness brought on by slow mercury poisoning. The irony is he was given the nickname Ivan the "terrible" before he became terrible. The title "terrible" was given to him as a gesture of his military prowness in his early campaign against the Tarters in which he successfully captured a heavily defended Tartar city through military cunning and the use of gun powder.

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Many forms of torture were used in ancient Rome. Among them were crucifixion, the brazen bull, scaphism, flaying, being thrown to the beasts, bound to horses, and the breaking wheel.

Who was the first crowned czar of Russia?

The first ruler of what is Russia today was named Rurik. His birthdate is unknown but he ruled until his death in 879 AD.

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What is a good use of Quarts?

A good use of quarts is for measuring liquid volume. It is commonly used in recipes, beverages, and for measuring liquids in daily household activities. Quart containers can also be used for storing liquids such as soups, sauces, and oils.

Use torture in a sentence?

Science class feels like torture to me.

Use tantamount in a sentence?

Tantamount to torture ie the same as torture

How do you use the word torture in sentence?

example = This punishment is torture to us! So you use it by expressing your feelings

Does someone use chicken for voodoo torture?

Torture is not generally a part of Voodoo.