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men on board the ship didn't eat much in the way of healthy and nutritious food, like vegetables, because they went rotten to quickly, so the crew relied on mutton, {old sheep meat} and rum and cider for drink

yup that's right

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Q: What food did the crew of the Endeavour eat?
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The Endeavour carried Lieutenant James Cook (not yet a captain), three scientists and numerous crew. It carried instrucments for observing and recording the transit of Venus, as well as the usual navigational equipment.

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Rats, maggots, sawdust, and leather from their shoes and clothing.

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James Cook and the Endeavour reached Tahiti in April 1769, in plenty of time for his crew and scientists to set up their instrumentation necessary to observe and report on the transit of Venus, which occurred on 3 June 1769.

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The space shuttle program included several shuttles, such as Atlantis, Challenger, Columbia, Discovery, and Endeavour, which transported crew to and from space.

Where did Captain Cook keep food and water on the Endeavour?

Food and water on ships of the time of the Endeavour were kept on the lower decks. Foodstuffs were kept in large tea chests and wooden crates, while water was kept in wooden barrels.

In the sentence The crew in groups of four Which word will work best eat or eats?

"Eat" works best with "crew in groups of four" because the subject "crew" is plural.

Is the food thrown out after a cooking show?

Unfortunately, in many cases food is thrown out after a cooking show. Unless there is a large audience to eat the leftovers, or if the filming crew takes the food home, the food gets thrown in the trash.