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It was not the second world war which ended the Great Depression, but Roosevelt's New Deal.

Roosevelt's reforms, which were carried out under his "New Deal" policy, aided the recovery of the American economy. These reforms included the Agricultural Adjustment Act, National Industrial Recovery Act, and creation of the Public Works Administration and Tennessee Valley Authority. All of these provided work fro unemployed Americans.

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Though there is no single thing attributed to the end of the Great Depression, many consider WWII to be the most influential cause. The money that the government spent on the war is said to have helped bring the country out of the economic depression.

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mobilizing for war

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Q: What finally succeeded in ending the Great Depression?
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What role did WWll play in ending the Great Depression?

Only when the nation began to prepare for World War II, along with massive purchases of American goods from abroad (and American rearmament), did the Great Depression come to an end. By 1939 the economy was on an upswing and by 1940, after war had begun in Europe, the Great Depression was history.

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In a sense, it was Emperor Hirohito, because it wasn't until we were forced into World War II and the wartime economy took over that we were finally free of the Great Depression.