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Adolf Hitler and the majority of whites, if not all.

ADDENDUM: Actually, Superiority Complexes are not confined to any one ethnic race, as the previous author implies above. People of all races (and political stripes) throughout history have suffered from this psychological condition, an extreme form of inverted Inferiority Complex. Presenting as arrogant disregard for others' thoughts, opinions, wellbeing and skills, its often confused with Narcissistic Personality Disorder but is not the same. Famous people in history with superiority complexes include: Mao Tse Tung (Chinese), Kim Jung Il, (Korean) Idi Amin (Ugandan), Napoleon (French), Pol Pot (Cambodian), Mussolini (Italian), Mengistu Haile (Ethiopian), Yakubu Gowan (Nigerian), Slobodan Milosovich (Yugoslavian), Joseph Stalin (Russian), and Yahya Khan (Pakistani), among others. Meanwhile, many celebrities today, of all races, are also known to suffer from this affliction.

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complexes [inferiority or superiority] can cause people to be is not a good psychological state though.people should as much as possible talk over their complexes with a counselor and should also know one basic fact that all human beings are equal and there is nobody without a fault.

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What kind of dumb question is this? Everyone discriminates, it's the human condition and our ideal to get away from judgment, racism and bias.Answer 2You obviously do not know what the superiority complex is. You probably mean to say, "Why do whites believe they are superior over other races?" If anything, those racist whites have inferiority complexes, as they feel the need to prove their superiority to the other races. If they really had superiority complexes, they would dismiss their very presence, as they would feel no need to assert their superiority over someone they deem inferior.

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yes! if you believe that numerical superiority give's you moral superiority ie:more people thinking the same way

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You shouldn't hate anyone.

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Complexes is the plural of complex

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racism? feelings of superiority?

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