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Being selected to go to Baltimore

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As a slave child, Frederick begins reading lessons with his master's wife. Once her husband finds out she is doing this, he's angry and explains why it is best to never let slaves acquire knowledge. At this point, Frederick realizes how powerful knowledge is and that once a slave acquires it, they will no longer remain a slave. From that day on, he does whatever it takes to learn to read and gain knowledge.

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Q: What event in his life did Frederick Douglass find to be remarkable?
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What was Frederick Douglass known for?

Frederick Douglass was known for his life story, called The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, that I had to read for school. He tells about his masters and about the treatment of his fellow slaves. Frederick addressed this narrative to southerners in the 1800s to demonstrate the treatment of the slaves. After Douglass published his book, many believed him and agreed with him. Some became abolitionists. He also helped on the Underground railroad and helped to fight for women's rights. He thought that everyone was created equally and that nothing could change that.

Which of Frederick Douglass arguments for marking the abolition of slavery an aim of the war do you find most convincing?

The 12th one because Peeta Mellarks bread taste soo good in that one.

Why did Frederick Douglass's mistress chand her mind about teaching him to read?

In the system of slavery, no slaves were allowed to learn how to read or write. it was for the purpose of control. If they were capable to read, they could find out how despairing their situation was, If they were capable to write, they could write about what they felt and what they think and spread among their people, then people would go together and do something that their master did not want to see. That was the role of education played in terms of control and oppression.

What sorts of things were remarkable about the Renaissance?

The Renaissance was remarkable because it changed peoples' ways of thinking. During the preceding Dark Ages, common people were oppressed and constantly pushed down. Their lives were literally dark and hopeless. They were given no freedom. The Renaissance brought change in the form of creativity and self worth. While the system of monarchy remained the same, people had hope. They could paint what they wanted, sing what they wanted, write what they wanted, and become skilled in the craft that they chose. I find this "rebirth", a change from the old to the new, truly remarkable.

What event or idea in cabeza de vaca's account did you find the most surprising?

when he re establishe the settlement

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What did Frederick Douglass say he did with Master Daniel Lloyd during his leisure time at the plantation?

Help him find the birds he shot

What was Frederick Douglass known for?

Frederick Douglass was known for his life story, called The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, that I had to read for school. He tells about his masters and about the treatment of his fellow slaves. Frederick addressed this narrative to southerners in the 1800s to demonstrate the treatment of the slaves. After Douglass published his book, many believed him and agreed with him. Some became abolitionists. He also helped on the Underground railroad and helped to fight for women's rights. He thought that everyone was created equally and that nothing could change that.

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Fredrick Douglas he started it because he wanted to let people know stuff if they can't find out stuff or if someone is hiding something for them

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Usually, it is a person's parents who they find remarkable in some way.

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What book did Douglass find writings about the principles of freedom in?

Colombian Orator

Where can you find a 2 minute report about frederck douglass?

Try any Encyclopedia.

Which of Frederick Douglass arguments for marking the abolition of slavery an aim of the war do you find most convincing?

The 12th one because Peeta Mellarks bread taste soo good in that one.

Where can one find a good event photographer?

One can find a good event photographer by looking in the yellow pages or on the internet. One does not have to do that much to find a good event photographer.

Where to find moloetta in Pokemon White?

You cannot find it as it is a event Pokemon , the date of the wifi event is uncertain

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The probability of the complement of an event, i.e. of the event not happening, is 1 minus the probability of the event.

Where can you find the form for the recuitment for Ghana census?

Frederick ohene offei-addo