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plaaanes. rifels and all that jazzz

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Q: What equipment did British soldiers use in WW2?
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Which Indian army regiment is known for their use of the khukri?

The soldiers know for the use of the khukri belong to the Gurkha Regiment. These soldiers are from Nepal not India and form their own regiment in the British Army.

What would the soldiers use to make trenches?

E-tool or gi shovel. they are standard issue for field equipment US armed forces. E is for entrenching.

What was the name of the crimean war nurse whose use of applied statistics led to much needed reforms in the British military medical system and greatly reduced the mortality rate of british soldiers?

florence nightingale

What was a direct cause of the war of 1812?

Britain's continued impressment of American soldiers. the war Hawks in Congress would only approve the war if it was to annex what is Now Canada and At Gent the other reasons use to go to war war wern forgotten because they stopped as soon as the British Defeated Napoleon the Americans were trying to supply the French and the British were stopping them and the British were only removing deserters from American ships

What slang did British soldiers use for German soldiers in world war 2?

"Jerries" ( A jerry was also slang for a Chamber pot, as it looked like a German Steel Helmet) Older soldiers would call them Huns ( In the 1900s Kaiser Wilhelm made a speech when he said that Germans on the way to put down the Boxershould act like the Huns--he meant that they should make others fear them) Older soldiers from the officer class often used the French expression Bosche Squareheads came from the briefing soldiers received on how to identify German soldiers from their square shaped helmets. Kraut (Crept into British palrance from US and Canadian troops) from Sauerkraut--stewed cabbage. Heinie -obsolete by WW2, was often used by older civilians, mainly Americans and Canadians--from Heinrich. "Jerries" ( A jerry was also slang for a Chamber pot, as it looked like a German Steel Helmet) Older soldiers would call them Huns ( In the 1900s Kaiser Wilhelm made a speech when he said that Germans on the way to put down the Boxershould act like the Huns--he meant that they should make others fear them) Older soldiers from the officer class often used the French expression BoscheSquareheads came from the briefing soldiers received on how to identify German soldiers from their square shaped helmets. Kraut (Crept into British palrance from US and Canadian troops) from Sauerkraut--stewed cabbage. Heinie -obsolete by WW2, was often used by older civilians, mainly Americans and Canadians--from Heinrich.

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Many soldiers of Australia used British equipment, most notably the Lee Enfield which was the British standard issue rifle of the time

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The British use 2400 in the battle of bunker hill

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a lot

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It is Third amendment!!(:

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Around WW2 when the US Army started to use them, consumer production stopped for a while so soldiers could get them.

What words did the British use in world war 2?

Specific to WW2: blitz (from German blitzkrieg) doodlebug (V2) flak

Which Indian army regiment is known for their use of the khukri?

The soldiers know for the use of the khukri belong to the Gurkha Regiment. These soldiers are from Nepal not India and form their own regiment in the British Army.

Did soldiers in the American Revolutionary War use ak-47s?

ak47 was made before WW2 a couple hundred or so years be4 the revolutionary war

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There was only salt water to clean wounds, and medications were generally not available.

Who were the native soldiers serving in the British army that refused to use weapons due to religious beliefs?

the answer actually is Sepoys.