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Ireland became a centre of learning for Christianity in Europe and many people came to the various places in Ireland, like Glendalough or Clonmacnoise, to study. These centres of learning help Ireland earn the title of being the nation of saints and scholars.

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Q: What effect did the spread of Christianity have on education in Ireland?
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What caused Christianity to spread to Britain Ireland and northern Europe?


Why did StPaul travel?

St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.

What ideas did monks help spread across Europe?

Monks help spread Christianity across Europe.

How did Paul contribute to the spread of Christianity?

Paul of Tarsus, who was previously known as Saul spread Christianity as the first Christian missionary, or person who spreads their belief to non-believers. He travelled across the Roman Empire, sending Christian messages to gentiles and non-Jewish communities as well as to Jews. This allowed more people to follow the faith. He preached about Christianity in new areas where no one had preached before, and established Christianity there.

Who were the early Christian martyrs- What effect did their sacrifices have on the spread of Christianity?

Stephen was the first martyr. People saw these lives of these early christians and became christians.

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The apostle Paul spread Christianity throughout the Mediterranean regionSaint Patrick spread Christianity throughout Ireland!

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What caused Christianity to spread to Britain Ireland and northern Europe?


What area of the British isles was Christianized by St. Patrick?

St. Patrick spread Christianity in Ireland.

Was St Patrick's mission successful?

Yes. He returned to Ireland to spread the religion of Christianity

Why did st. Patrick go to Ireland for the first time?

The first time he came to Ireland he was captured as a slave at the age of 16 years, so he did not want to come. After eventually escaping, he then wanted to come back again to spread Christianity in Ireland.

Who was appointed to spread Christianity instead of St. Patrick?

St. Palladius was appointed to spread Christianity instead of St. Patrick. It wasn\'t until 2 years later that St. Patrick finally became the bishop of Ireland.

An important effect of Christianity's spread throughtout Britain was that?

The Anglo-Saxon religion immediately died out

Why was St. Patrick sent to Ireland after he studied religion and was ordained as a priest?

Patrick was sent to Ireland to missionize and spread Christianity. Until his arrivial the Irish followed pagan beliefs.

Where is Christianity spread to?

Christianity is spread all over the world.

When did Saint Patrick bring Christianity to Ireland?

It began with St. Patrick and others coming to Ireland in the 5th century to spread Christianity. After that, many monasteries began to be built around Ireland, such as Glendalough and Clonmacnoise. Ireland became a centre of learning and many people came to these places to study and learn. Christianity has continued to develop from then and Ireland now has a long Christian history.