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Even though the great terror was officially created to boost the economy by getting rid of 'wreckers.' However the end result was far from this. The oppression led to economic chaos. As a result of the fear brought on by the terror, members of the communist party felt compelled to lie and exaggerate economic facts. This was done as an illusion that the government was meeting its targets, and the truth was continuously distorted. Furthermore, purges within the gosplan led to the elimination of many of Russia's best economic planners and many competent managers. Coal production, which had virtually doubled form 1928-1932 and doubled, again, between 1932-196 barely grew from the beginning of the oppression until 1940. There was a huge fall in Russia's economic growth as a direct result of the fact that the great terror had swiped away managers, technicians, statisticians and planners, which meant there weren't enough trained workers.

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Arnaldo Bergnaum

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2y ago
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15y ago

The purge allowed Stalin to remove elements of the Party that he considered unsafe (for him, rather than the party). By removing these elements new representative could be placed into the open positions, placed by Stalin they would owe him a debt of gratitude, thus not stand in his was as supreme leader.

The population on the other hand could not speak out against Stalin through fear of being sent to the Gulag (prison camp). Many people accused others of plotting against the state or even just voicing discontent, as such they felt safer for there own position in society.

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11y ago

Even though the great terror was officially created to boost the economy by getting rid of 'wreckers.' However the end result was far from this. The oppression led to economic chaos. As a result of the fear brought on by the terror, members of the communist party felt compelled to lie and exaggerate economic facts. This was done as an illusion that the government was meeting its targets, and the truth was continuously distorted. Furthermore, purges within the gosplan led to the elimination of many of Russia's best economic planners and many competent managers. Coal production, which had virtually doubled form 1928-1932 and doubled, again, between 1932-196 barely grew from the beginning of the oppression until 1940. There was a huge fall in Russia's economic growth as a direct result of the fact that the great terror had swiped away managers, technicians, statisticians and planners, which meant there weren't enough trained workers.

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12y ago

Russians were now with Stalin because they were well aware of the consequences of disloyalty

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Q: What effect did Stalin's great purge have on the Soviet Economy?
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