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What is Liberty's facial expression saying to us

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Q: What does the statue of liberty's facial expression say to us?
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What is an facial expression?

faical expressions are feelings of emotions. they are what people say mixed emotions. not all facial expressions are universal.

Why do people say cheese when taking a photo?

Presumably, the word "cheese" makes a smiling facial expression for the photo.

What does the Staue of Libertys book say on it?

Roman Numerals are given for the day and year in the date July IV, MDCCLXXVI

Do people only make facial expressions to show feelings?

No, people also use body language and gestures to communicate their feelings, in addition to facial expressions. Body language can include posture, hand movements, and overall body orientation, all of which can convey emotions and intentions.

How do you know that a guy really loves or he only say that i love you only for sex?

you look at his facial expression. if he is giving you the look when he says it then he doesnt really love you if he doesnt then your ok.

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Kinesics is study of body language in communication. You can say kinesics is non verbal communication using gestures, postures, facial expression etc.

What are the five elements of body language?

I would say there are more than five. But five of them are facial expression, posture, appearance,eye movements, and hand/arm movements. macycat

How do you say statue in french?

une statue (fem.)

What do facial expression say about a person?

Facial expressions can provide insight into a person's emotions and reactions in the moment. Smiling can convey happiness or friendliness, while furrowed brows can indicate confusion or concern. Facial expressions also play a role in nonverbal communication, allowing others to gauge and understand a person's mood or attitude.

How do you say the word statue of liberty in french?

In French, you would say "la Statue de la Liberté."

What is the verbal expression for anticipation?

Facial expressions can be eyes opened wide, and pursed lips, as you wait for the event. Verbally you would say "I am so ready for that!!!" or "I know it will be so cool!" Is that the kind of thing you are looking for?

List three of the questions a careful listener should ask about a speakers evidence?

the questions that a careful listener should ask include:who is the speaker,what is speaker trying to say,what do the speaker's facial expression mean