when you are in a pyramid you can feel things on your feet and that well so is the treasure and also being inside a pyramid it should well so be dark and you can get a little freaked out cause i was in Egypt ounce and i was really freaked out cause i got to go inside the pyramid and also this guy gave me real life stones from the pyramid. Well if you don't belive me come to Inverness sunnyside 35 culloden moor IV2 5ES and you can come in my house and see it. Thx for reading hehehehe
pyramids with step
Nubians Have 3 acient kingdoms, Meroe, Kerma, and Napata. These kingdoms have inbraced the culture of Egypt even though they are rivals. One or two of these kingdoms built pyramids but, they were not like the egyptians. They were more "pointyer" And they make the egptian pyramids look flat.
what does Egypt look like nowits very modern
Boss (but stress the O , it can`t sound like an A )
it looks like a tomb inside with all the furniture and jewelry
Pyramid shapes
lots of mummies
You are lazy go into Google Images and type in "pyramids of Egypt" and hey presto loads of nice pyramid pictures.
dark creepe and dusty
they had paintings everwere of their daily life
a picture of a pyramidwhat does the inside of a pyramid look like?what does a pyramid look like up close?how was the pyramids made?
YES! In fact there have been stories told of gold still in the pyramids in EGYPT: But the downfall is once you begin to look for it you might become mentally ill(insane). HOPE I ANSWERED YOUR QUESTION.
they build the pyramids and every thing that made Egypt look so magnificent.
It depends on what pyramids they were, but most had many secret passages and crazy tunnels and trap doors. In the pyramids there was one room were the king or queens sarcophagus would be held, usually more to the top so they could get to the gods faster.
a square
They made sure the pharaoh had a place in the afterlifeThe pyramids where a symbol of re-birth into the afterlife they were shaped as they saw a women's womb to look like. Everything inside is what thepharaohwanted to take with him to the next life.
pyramids with step