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the name Madison doesn't mean anything in French.

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Q: What does the name Madison mean in French?
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What does Madison Perkins mean in French?

Names don't "mean" anything else in another language. This is still a name and it would be spelled the same in French.

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The name Madison does not have a specific Hawaiian meaning as it is not a traditional Hawaiian name.

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Madison has no Greek meaning. It is not a Greek name.

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What does the name mads mean?

It sounds like a diminutive for Madison or Madeleine.Madison means "son of Matthew" and Matthew is Hebrew for "gift from the Lord".Madeleine is a French name from a Hebrew root meaning "from the mountain".

What does Madison mean in different language?

In Spanish and Portuguese, Madison remains as Madison. In French, it is spelled and pronounced as "Madisson". In German, it is "Madison" as well, but with a slight emphasis on "son" as "son" in German means "soon" or "later".

How do you spell Madison in French?

The same, Madison.

How do you say Madison in French?

Madison in French is spelled the same but would be pronounced "ma-dee-son" with a slight French accent.

What does the name Madison mean in Spanish?

From an English surname meaning "son of MAUD". It was not commonly used as a feminine name until after the movie 'Splash' (1984), in which the main character adopted it as her name after seeing a street sign for Madison Avenue in New York City. A famous bearer of the surname was James Madison (1751-1836), one of the authors of the American constitution who later served as president. Madison n'est pas français, désolée. Madison isn't french, sorry.

What does Madison mean in Hawaiian?

Madison does not have a specific meaning in Hawaiian as it is not a Hawaiian name. It is an English-derived name and does not have a direct translation in the Hawaiian language.

What does the girl name Madison mean in English?

son of mathew