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Q: What does the Full name in native alphabet means in a US Visa form DS 230 if your signature is in English should you write anything in this box?
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What does the Full name in native alphabet means in a US Visa form DS-230 if your signature is in English should you write anything in this box?

The full name in native alphabet on a US Visa form DS-230 should be a transliteration of your name into the native alphabet of the language you use. If your signature is in English, you do not need to write anything in this box since your signature in English already represents your name.

What does native alphabet means?

"Native alphabet" is a phrase that refers to your native language. If you speak English, your native alphabet is the Latin alphabet.

Which alphabet in reservation?

If you are asking what alphabet is used in Native American reservations, the answer is that ALL Native Americans speak English and use the English version of the Latin alphabet. Most reservations that use native languages alongside English, also use the Latin alphabet for those languages, with a few exceptions, such as Cherokee.

How many alphabets are used in America?

There is only one alphabet in common use in America: The English version of the Latin alphabet. Some Native American tribes have unique alphabets as well, but they are not in common use.

What is the antartican alphabet spoken in?

There is no such thing as an Antarctican alphabet. Antarctica has no native humans.

What letters of the English alphabet are not traditionally in the Spanish alphabet?

The Spanish alphabet has three letters not found in the English alphabet.They are:-che (‹ch›)elle (‹ll›)eñe (‹ñ›)_________________________________________________________________Actually ch and ll aren't official letters, they are official sounds in the spanish language the only letter that is not in the english language and are in the spanish language is ñ. Also, rr is an official sound.

What is a native alphabet?

It is an alphabet that was created for s specific language, and not borrowed from another language.

What is Full name in native alphabet?

jaswinder singh

What alphabets are native to North America?

The only one is the Cherokee alphabet. Other native languages use either the latin alphabet or their own writing system which is not alphabetic.

Who discovered American alphabets?

The are no alphabets native to the Americas as far as any has ever discovered. Most native writing systems are syllabic or pictographic.The alphabet most widely used in the Americas is the Latin alphabet, which was brought by the Europeans. It is used for English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch, and most other minority languages of North and South America.

What did sequoyah do?

If you're asking about the Native American Fellow after whom the trees were named, then I know the answer to your question. "Sequoyah" invented the written form of his Native Language.

What is the meaning of full name in native alphabet?

shivani sharma