1-H means that the person is not subject to processing for induction.
1 hour. (In Poland- 1h later)
No The Black Hawk helicopter has the military designation of UH-60. It was made by Sikorsky late in the 1970's to replace the Bell UH-1H. The Bell UH-1C, UH-1D and other versions for Air Force(UH-1F) were first helicopters used in large quantities during the Viet Nam War.
Bell designed and built the Huey. The term "Huey" came from using the words/letters UH all the time in Vietnam...the UH-1 Iroquois (UH=Utility Helicopter); all US Army choppers minus the Cobra are (were) named after American Indian tribes: Blackhawk, Iroquois, Apache, Cayuse, Kiowa, Chinook, Shawnee, Mohawk (an airplane, fixed wing), Sioux, etc.
UH-1 helicopters do still see some use.. the Marine Corps is more frequent a user of them, having never received the Blackhawk, but the Army does still maintain some UH-1D and UH-1H helicopters. They've seen a bit of use in Afghanistan, although those are often operated by Dyncorp contractors.
WWII was the last war in which virtually every US citizen was expected to participate, by virtually everyone else (as well as by law in most instances). However, the civilian population was not engaged in actually fighting the war, as in the European countries where battles were fought. The war effort took over factories and shipping and most other commercial enterprises. From rationing coupons, to work, to joining the military, everyone contributed. It was also the last time all available men classified as 1H (excluded by age or dependent status) were called up for military duty. A lot of surprised grocery store clerks received induction notices, and a lot them were there on D-Day as well. If you were older than 44 years old, you probably tried every trick possible to join the service, and if that failed you had to come up with something to explain to everyone else that you were "doing your part." You became an "Army AirCorps Observer" manning a makeshift military observers post. Always ready to lift the receiver and give the alarm every telephone operator knew; "Army Flash! Twelve Nakajima Fighters, estimated altitude 8,000 feet, speed 200 knots, bearing 140 degrees, heading in direction of Boeing Aircraft Factory." The operator was to immediately relay or connect you to Army Operations. It was a very big deal, and, for a long while after Pearl Harbor, this was taken very seriously, as the nation thought the Japanese might actually attack or invade the mainland. A huge number of factory jobs were taken over by women workers, since the male workers were in the armed forces. Total War means every individual must be doing something to assist in the war effort. If you were a kid in America or Canada, you collected tin cans, or tin foil, or bottles. You did something, you gave up something, you collected things to give.
I think it stands for First half of the year
Between 1h and 1h 20m
1h = 3600s 25200s x 1h/3600s = 7h
1h = 3600s 25200s x 1h/3600s = 7h
1h = 60min 477min x 1h/60min = 7.95h = 7h 57min
1h = 60min 4000min x 1h/60min = 666.66667h = approx. 666h and 40min
1h = 60min 1290min x 1h/60min = 21.5h
1h = 3600s 1km/h x 1h/3600s = 0.00027778km/s
1h = 60 min so 1h and 20 min = 60 + 20 = 80 min
Greenwich +1h
CH6 : change oil and oil filter. this code appears every 50h, and last for 1h