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This nursery rhyme dates back to England in the 1300's. The Black Death had killed a third of the population and the surviving peasants were feeling bolder and demanding freedom from their serfdom, whereby they had to work for nothing for the Lord of the Manor. They were very religious people and the rhyme is saying that when God created Earth and Adam and Eve there were no Lords of the Manor then, so why should there be any now. In other words it was a revolutionary slogan.

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Mark Pickin

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3y ago

Is this not deliberately wordplay... yes, they may well have dug the soil and spun wool but we are talking about the origin of the human race and clearly there is an obvious alternative.

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Q: What does it mean by When Adam delved and Eve span who was then the gentleman?
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Mark O'Brien

What does it mean by Eve span who was then the gentleman?

The line by John Ball, 14th-century English priest, is this: "When Adam delved and Eve span, Who was then the gentleman?" It means that when the first people were digging in the earth (delving) to grow their own food and spinning their own cloth, where were the people of privilege (the gentlemen) who profited from the labor of others while they lived at leisure? The implied answer is: there were none. All were equal. All had to fend for themselves. No one was higher than another, and no one got a free ride.

What is the time span from creation to the ark?

A:According to the Bible, the Flood occurred 1656 years after the creation of Adam.

What does main span mean?

Main span means the longest part of the bridge.

What does bearing span mean?

Bearing span is basically the surface area of the inner ring on which the rotor rotates .

What does hand span mean?

Hand span is the distance from the tip of your thumb to the tip of your little finger when your hand is outstretched completely.

What does spic and span mean?

It means very clean and tidy.

What does the term 'frog span' mean?

"frog span" is gibberish. You may just be a careless typist and mean "Frog spawn" which is the little black dots in green lines that turn into tadpoles.

What was the life span of Homer Odyssey?

If by life span you mean the time span of the story the answer is ten years. It took Odysseyus ten years to complete the journey from Troy back to his homeland of Ithica.

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Tapez </ SPAN> votre </ SPAN> réponse </ SPAN> ici </ SPAN> ... heureusement </ SPAN> Qu'il </ SPAN> N'y </ span> a pas d'aeroport </ SPAN> Dans </ SPAN> this </ SPAN> Ville de </ SPAN> </ EM> campagne </ SPAN> selon </ SPAN> eux </ SPAN> SI </ SPAN> il </ SPAN> Avait fr </ SPAN> un </ SPAN> d'apres </ SPAN> Leur </ SPAN> Jugement </ SPAN> c'est </ SPAN> mieux </ SPAN> Ainsi </ SPAN> SI </ SPAN> il </ SPAN> Y Avait </ SPAN> un </ SPAN> aeroport </ SPAN> Une </ SPAN> Comme </ SPAN> newyork </ SPAN> pourait </ SPAN> disparaitre </ SPAN> Toujours </ SPAN> d'apres </ SPAN> eux < / SPAN> c'est </ SPAN> eux </ SPAN> Autres </ SPAN> Qui </ SPAN> font le </ SPAN> Monde </ SPAN> alors </ SPAN> ne </ SPAN> Pas AVOIR </ SPAN> tout ce </ SPAN> Monde </ SPAN> Dans </ SPAN> le < / SPAN> il </ SPAN> vaut </ SPAN> mieux </ SPAN> que </ SPAN> CE </ SPAN> Soit </ SPAN> Ainsi </ span>, nous Voyez </ SPAN> vous </ SPAN> etre </ SPAN> Obligé </ SPAN> de </ SPAN> construire </ SPAN> < span class = cs_misspelled ONU> </ SPAN> Metro </ SPAN> Quand </ SPAN> Dans </ SPAN> Le </ SPAN> passé </ SPAN> N'a </ SPAN Pas> Été </ SPAN> capables de < / SPAN> VENIR </ SPAN> pour le </ SPAN> Chemin </ SPAN> de </ SPAN> Fer, Quand </ SPAN> fait </ SPAN> partie </ SPAN> des </ SPAN> Villes </ SPAN> de </ SPAN> campagne </ SPAN> c'est </ SPAN> Ainsi </ SPAN> </ EM> </ FONT> </ FONT>

What Does Span Mean in Terms of a Bridge?

A bridge spans a river from one bank to the opposite bank. So the span is the distance the bridge must stretch.

Where can you find a floor joist span table when using 2 x 6 tongue and groove?

Not sure what you mean? floor joist span table???