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I think you are asking an innocent question.

You are Emily?

Well, there probably isn't a meaning. Koreans use an phonetic alphabet, not the fancy Chinese characters that have meaning. In pure Korean, all your name sounds like is, "The act of pushing a child," Eh meaning child mily meaning to push.

However, when a Korean child is named, the name has corresponding Chinese characters which are decided in some archaic ritual.

By chance, sometimes these can be translated in to something making sense, such as "Universal Beauty", "Snow Child", "Bright Future." But in actuality making the name sound good in English wasn't the actual goal. For instance, my name is "Large Face". I'm sure if you go deep in to Chinese Philosophy this probably has some deep meaning, but I don't generally answer when someone asks me what my name means.

In cases of foreign names, we change it to phonetic Korean, then try to match some Chinese characters that sound the same. However, Koreans and Japanese use Chinese as English speakers use Latin, so our understanding of the language is somewhat twisted, evolved, and changed. Even the same Chinese character is pronounced differently in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.

I think you're best option would be to find a Chinese person. This person will understand Chinese natively, he could find an interesting translation for your name which would have more weight than from a Korean who uses some sort of modified Chinese.

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