Profit from printing money is called seigniorage. It refers to the difference between the costs of printing money and its face value. It is by far the most profitable activity so far invented by man. Imagine I have got a 1000 dollar bill in my pocket. To acquire it - assuming I haven't stolen it- I have had to work very hard for a very long time , that invest a high percentage of what I finally earn . Now if I printed this bill I'd spend perhaps 50 cents or even less on paper, paint and energy. So my profit in this case would be $999,5 from every 50 cents spent. Does anyone know any other business which for every half a dollar brings 999,5$ net receipt ?
They talked about printing paper money.
they call their money rubles.
A 'War Monger' .
US paper money is made at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, coins are made at the US mint.
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing is in charge of printing money.
A mint is where coins are struck. There's no special word for a factory where paper money is printed, though. They're usually just called "printing plants" or "printing facilities."
countries not presently printing money
Countries do not technically have money printing rules. However most countries discourage over printing of money because then the value of the money decreases.
Central Bank or any Monetary Authority of that country controls the printing of money.
Let's say that if you increase your money on a transaction you have a "positive profit", if you lose money, you have a loss, which we will call a "negative profit". Let's say your profit is minus 100. If you repeat the transaction with a loss 5 times, you will still have a loss - in this case, the profit is minus 500.
A synonym for 'money earned' is salary or profit.
Can a nonprofit foundation give money to a for profit organization
a profit is something that you get back a loss is something that you lose like with money with a profit you get money with a loss you loose money
Money is not evil. LOVE of money is the root of evil. You are entitled to a fair profit for goods or services.
Money, my friends, Money