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There isn't a specific name for them. Theyre just losers.

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they were deserters

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Q: What do you call soldiers that run away from a army?
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Where does the expression he can run like a whitehead come from What is a whitehead?

During England's Civil War, Oliver Cromwell started the New Model Army to fight against the Royalists, who wore white hats. The New Model Army would attack the Royalist army from behind where the weakest soldiers were placed. When attacked the Royalists would run away. Hence, the term, "Run like a whitehead", had its beginning!

Why did William tell his soldiers to pretend to run away and some of harolds saxon army chased them Williams army did this several times and broke down the saxon army?

"All warfare is based on deception" Well William was a lot smarter than people think he was. He applied the doctrine of Tsun Zu. Always keep your enemy guessing. The saxons thought they had broken his army and had him on run, but it was not true. The enemy when he's on move neglects to think about his security and becomes complacent. Hence its easy to ambush him with a minimal loss of men to your side!!! "The O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands." He told them to run away because that they would run after them! Then the army would just have to turn around and "BANG!" kill 'em slaughter 'em... it's lodgical isn't it?

What did Robert E Lee accomplish at the Second Battle of Bull Run?

He drove the Union soldiers out of Northern Virginia

Which battle showed both sides that their soldiers neede more training?

The First Battle of Bull Run proved that neither army was capable of delivering a decisive victory.

True or False The Confederate victories at Bull Run and Ball's Bluff inspired the Northern army. They thought victory was only a few weeks away.?

False, according to my teacher.

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Where does the expression he can run like a whitehead come from What is a whitehead?

During England's Civil War, Oliver Cromwell started the New Model Army to fight against the Royalists, who wore white hats. The New Model Army would attack the Royalist army from behind where the weakest soldiers were placed. When attacked the Royalists would run away. Hence, the term, "Run like a whitehead", had its beginning!

According to Bible the child Jesus went to Egypt for?

So they could run away from Herod and his soldiers

What did Von Steuben teach American soldiers to do?

he taught them to march fight and not run away and how to obey commands

What do you call a kid that likes to run away or sneak out?

Chronic Runaway.

What to do if someone is having a heatstroke?

u call 911 or run away

Did beoulf run when he saw the fire dragon while his soldiers stayed and fought?

no beowulf did not run while his army fled except for one of his soldiers beowulf fought to his death and also acomplished slaying the dragon (poor dragon :( ) sincerely, DragonFreak

Why will many a man have the courage to die gallantly while will not have the courage to think that the cause for which he is asked to die is an unworthy one?

Any soldier in combat would totally deny that "die gallantly" part. Plain trembling, shaking frightened out of their wits and puking up their breakfast is a better way of describing it. That is human nature. The purpose of the Army is to train men and women to forget their personal selves and work as an unbreakable team. The result of this is, that in combat, most soldiers would rather die than run away and let their buddies die. That, and soldiers who run away from combat are usually shot dead or court-marshalled and hanged. No true combat soldier needs to or has time to think about "the cause" - and it's near 100% sure that average soldiers don't know what the cause even is. An army where soldiers think about the "cause" is a horribly trained army, and all its soldiers will likely die in combat rather than defeat the enemy.

What did Friedrich Von Steuben teach Americans soldiers to do?

he taught them to march fight and not run away and how to obey commands

How do you protect yourself from wild fires?

run away and call fire department.

What can i do if there is a volcano eruption in your community?

call 911 then run/drive away as fast as you can

What do you call a run away slave?

give em a couple minutes....then u'll call him a dead ni**er