Augurers are people who foretell the future by examining the internal organs of slaughtered birds and animals. (I know it's disgusting but these are Romans we're talking about here.) In Shakespeare's play Caesar asks what the augurers have to say. A servant tells him this:
"They would not have you stir forth today. Plucking the entrails of an offering forth, they could not find a heart within the beast."
There was no heart in the animal sacrifice.
We cannot unanswer this question if you do not tell us what "this day" is. If you are referring to the ides of March, this was the day Julius Caesar was assassinated.
He was a man who read the entrails of sacrifices to tell fortune.
Julius Caesar and can't you tell from the category you put this question in? o.0
He is arrogant and egotistical.
augurers are from the play Julius Caesar. also known as auguries. an augury is a ceremony, therefore auguerers (or auguries) are people who celebrate or take part in this ceremony.
There was no heart in the animal sacrifice.
The soothsayer warned Caesar that he needed to be cautious of the dangers of the Ides of March. Caesar chose to ignore the soothsayer.
I have no idea, you tell me
He will tell Caesar that Plutarch was to address the Senate to recommend that they honor Caesar by sending him out with Germanicus
Beware the Ides of March.
To tell him that he does not believe flatterers.
to protect him
Because they know Caesar will say no which will tell everyone that Caesar doesn't care for anybody but himself. They planned this all. They knew Caesar was going to say no.
It proves dat Caesar was very proud, over-confident and he treated himself like GOD
cassius seldom smiles
Caesar told Marc Antony to come to his right side in Act One, Scene two. Caesar did this because he was deaf on his left ear.