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They are very good people with amazing standards. Probably one of the strongest religions in the world. There are a lot of rumors about Mormons but if you ever have any questions contact an LDS missionary

Up there is straight up bull crap all Mormons are r hypocrits every time at school Mormon kids that were baptised they always fought swore ya right Mormons are a real religion just made up by Joseph smith

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Q: What do some people think about Mormons?
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Who are the people that traveled westward on the Oregon trail to escape persecution in the east?

mormons I believe..

Why did Gov Ford not protect the Mormons in Illinois after he promised to protect them from the mob attacks?

There are several reasons why Gov Ford didn't protect the Mormons. One he was concerned about retaining his position as Governor and being reelected. the people that opposed the Mormons were politically powerful and had great influence with the Governor. They told the Governor that the Mormons were causing the problems and that the rest of the population were only protecting themselves. They made the Governor believe that the Mormons were threatening the safety of the rest of the population. So he issued the extermination order. The Mormons either had to leave the State of Missouri or be exterminated.

What did people think about pirates?

some liked pirates some did not

Why did people flock to California and how did the Mormons change the landscape of the West?

People flocked to California because they were seeking gold and riches, and gold had been discovered there. The Mormons changed the landscape of the west by moving there and establishing cities and towns in areas that were previously uninhabited.

What are some examples of prejudice or discrimination against Mormons?

When Mormons would run for presidential candidates, most people would probably not vote for them because of their faith. Mormons is often compared to Jews and Muslims. I would discriminate against a Mormon standing for a position of authority because of the pact that he claims to believe in something that defy logic I would suspect that he uses others that are Mormons to give him a base following and finance and would try to spread his influence from there. I don't believe an intelligent person believes the tripe espoused by any church. therefore they can not be honest or sincere.

Related questions

What are Mormons remembered for?

Many people remember Mormons for the pioneer trek in the mid-1800's. This has caused some misconceptions of people thinking that Mormons are similar to the Amish, but modern Mormons do not dress like pioneers or travel in horse-drawn wagons.

Why do people think Mormons know how magnets work?

Because you know how magnets work.

Why do Mormons ask so many questions about themselves on this website?

Some Mormons about their own faith, because they are trying to better educate themselves, or see if others think the same way. This does not mean all of the questions about Mormons are asked by Mormons. Also, it is worthy of noting that there are thousands of questions about other religions on this site as well. People are curious, so they ask.

Do people hate Mormons?

Most people do not hate Mormons, the Osmonds are very popular Mormons singing family. The State of Utah hosted the Winter Olympics a few years ago. Some people do dislike the idea of a man having more than one wife at a time (or the idea of a woman having more than one husband at a time), and some Mormons men have more than one wife. On the whole Mormons who have one spouse at a time are very popular.

How do ordinary Americans relate to Mormons?

Well Mormons are very much like the average American. The differences that would separate them are the standards to which Mormons live. An active and rule following Mormon will not have sex before marriage, drink alcohol or coffee, smoke, use drugs, watch 'R' rated movies, or view porn. Mormons live life just like other people: some like football some don't, some like classical music some like rock. They are regular people who are just trying to be the best people they can be.

Did Mormons kill people from Arkansas?

Uhm...dude, where did you ever get that idea?!?! The Mormons would never kill...people shouldn't spread crap like that :( Everybody was against Mormons

Do Mormons think underwear is magical?

of course not, that would be silly to think that!

Why do people think that the Mormon church owns Albertsons grocery stores?

Probably because both Albertsons and Mormons are quite common in the west.

What is radical Mormonism?

Radical Mormons are people who are Mormons or share similar beliefs with Mormons, but don't fit in with the mainstream Mormon culture. They are either more liberal or more conservative than most Mormons.

What do you think of Mormons?

Well, I am a "Mormon" (a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), so maybe my answer isn't really what your looking for, but I think that it is difficult to bunch all Church members together in the same group. I suppose what I think of "Mormons" is that they are all pretty different!Some I get along with and some I don't. Some are rich, some are poor, some are conservative, some are liberal. (Harry Reid and Glenn Beck are BOTH Mormon!) Some can be really stuck up and others are the most kind, giving people you will ever meet. Some refuse to listen to rock music and others are in popular rock bands. (for example, Brandon Flowers of The Killers) They come from every race and nationality, from Austria to Zimbabwe.The Church emphasizes that each individual has agency - they can choose who they want to be and what they want to do. They can choose what they think is appropriate and what they think is inappropriate. Joseph Smith said "I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves." I think that Mormons live up to that quite well.

How did people treat Mormons during depression?

It depends on the location... most people were so concerned about providing for themselves that they weren't really concerned with what other people were doing. There are some stories of lynchings of Mormon missionaries in the southern United States during this time, but for the most part the Mormons were left alone.

Do Mormons have the same first names?

No, definitely not! Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) can give their children any name they want, and converts keep their given names. Some people mistakenly think that the titles that are used by Mormons are their first names. Mormons commonly address each other by "Brother", "Sister", "Elder", and "Bishop". These are not their names but just titles, like calling someone "Mom", "Doctor", or "Mayor".