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con's rebellion (1676) involved a group of former indentured servants who were now freed and roaming the countryside without work or money desiring Governor Berkley to punish the local Indian tribes for not allowing these homeless squatters live on their land. When Governor Berkley refused Nathanial Bacon, their leader, fomented a rebellion and they attempted to take over the government of Virginia. It soon ended however when Bacon died in the midst of the rebellion and his followers soon disappeared into the countryside. This rebelliion reflected the tensions between the land-holders and the non-land holders (Bacon and his followers.) At its heart it was a class struggle. The Salem Witchcraft Trials (1692) happened further north in Massachusetts when the daughters of Reverent Samuel Parris, led by his Jamaican slave Tituba began pointing the finger at certain older women in the township claiming they were witches. This too was a class struggle between the poor Reverend's family and the more wealthy victims of the accusations. Also, it is believed that the black Tituba may have been the victim of some racist comments or treatment in the township resulting in her pointing out certain inviduals she believed were responsible.

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12y ago

unfair actions

king philips war: settlers from the colonies were forced to settle on indian territory

Bacons Rebellion: corrupt gov't

Salem witch trials: accusations and executions were multiplying and it was ridiculous and unfair to people just kept accusing other people to save themselves

This is really brief, you'll understand if you do you research on each event

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Both occured from tensions between lower classes and upperclasses because of what they believe social or political policy should be.

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Q: What do King Philip's War Bacon's Rebellion and the Salem witch trials tell you about the crisis in British colonial life in the late 17th century?
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