

Best Answer
  • ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
  • EDVAC - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
  • UNIVAC - UNIVersal Automatic Computer
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Q: What do ENIAC EDVAC and UNIVAC stand for?
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Full meaning of eniac edvac univac?

uniac meaning is universal automatic computer

Full meaning of eniac edvac and univac?

Electronic Numerical Integrator And ComputerElectronic Discrete Variable Automatic ComputerUNIVersal Automatic Computer

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What is the difference between eniac and edvac?

The edvac came after the eniac (its predecessor). The main difference was that with the eniac if you wanted to complete a certain process different vacuum tubes had to be tampered with, whereas with the edvac john von neumann and others realised that computers could be programmed which meant you didnt have to tamper with the hardware each time you wanted to complete a different a task.

What institutions are using univac and eniac computers?

none. none of these machines still operate. the last UNIVAC I was shut down in 1970. the ENIAC was shut down in late 1950s.

What was the name of the first computer invented in 1994 by j. presper eckert and john mauchly?

designed ENIAC, the first general purpose electronic digital computer, as well as EDVAC, BINAC and UNIVAC I, the first commercial computer made in the United States.

Eniac and univac have in common?

one thing they all have in common is that they all use electricity.

What is the difference of eniac between univac?

total memory of ENIAC was 20 words all in accumulators; total memory of UNIVAC was 1000 words main memory, 120 words of I/O buffer, and a 10 word "Y" register all in mercury delay lines.words on ENIAC were 10 decimal digits long; words on UNIVAC were 12 alphanumeric characters long.digits on ENIAC were stored in 10 flip-flop ring counters; digits on UNIVAC were stored in 6 flip-flop characters.arithmetic on ENIAC was done by counting pulses sent from one accumulator to another; arithmetic on UNIVAC was done by logic circuits in the single accumulator.programming ENIAC was done by manually interconnecting the various accumulators and special purpose units with cables and individual wires to effectively create a new machine for each problem; programming UNIVAC was done by loading its memory from a magnetic tape containing the previously coded program, these tapes were written by programmers using UNIVAC to help them as is still done with modern computers today.I/O on ENIAC was all done with punchcards; I/O on UNIVAC was all done with magnetic tape.etc.

What does EDVAC stand for?

The full source of EDVAC is "Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer"

What does the EDVAC stand for and what does it mean?

EDVAC stands for "Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer"

What were the first three computers designed to use you a stored program?

ENIAC was the First computer that was used to store program.