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There are a number of different sorts of ways that one could find a job with an art history degree. A person with an art history degree could find a job as a curator at an art gallery or museum. An example of another opportunity would be a job as an art consultant for police art forgery investigations. Another option for a job for someone with a degree in art history would be in the field of conserving art and restoring different arts. These are some of the different possibilities open to someone with a degree in art history.

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The two most common professions people go into with a degree in art history are teaching and museum work (curating). These career paths may require an advanced degree, which would be an additional 2 - 7+ years of university. You could teach history, AP Art History, or art history at the high school level with an art history degree; or, with the right qualifications, teach community college or university courses. There are many options for those wanting to work in a museum; curating is only one of these. Museums also need people to fill positions in art conservationists, assistant curators, docents and tour guides, to name a small sample. If you are interested in museum work, go to the Careers section of your favorite museum to see what types of jobs are available and what qualifications you will need. Art history majors are not limited to these career paths, however. (See, for instance, this article "Alternatives for Art Historians": I am an art history blogger (and graduate student) and I have written an an article that further expands on the ideas in this answer. Feel free to read it here:

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