Guy de Maupassant, the famed French writer, hated the Eiffel Tower. In fact, he was said to have eaten lunch in the tower's restaurant every day because it was the only place where he could not see the tower.
He got the idea from his brain of course! What else do you think? His stomach?!
The Eiffel Tower , built in 1889 , is in Paris , France .
Gustave Eiffel
In 2006 there was 6,815,000 visitors to the Eiffel Tower
Why in the world are you asking that question??!! The Eiffel Tower is already built! Why do people want to see a replica of the Eiffel tower for heaven's sake??!
Guy de Maupassant, the famed French writer, hated the Eiffel Tower. In fact, he was said to have eaten lunch in the tower's restaurant every day because it was the only place where he could not see the tower.
Maupassant did not like the Eiffel Tower. He said, "I left Paris and even France because in the end, the Eiffel Tower annoyed me too much. Not only could you see it from wherever you went in the city, but you also found it everywhere, made in every material known to man, on sale in all the shop windows, an unavoidable and agonising nightmare. ..."
The famous writer that the restaurant in the Eiffel Tower is named after is Gustave Eiffel, the French civil engineer and architect who designed the Eiffel Tower itself.
the Eiffel tower is 300 meeters i think
People think the Eiffel tower is famous because It was built by a famous man and it was a very big project to build the Eiffel tower for the exhibition.
Because the eiffel tower did not have lifts but just steps and it had an extention.
the Eiffel tower is not tilting, I think you are confusing it with the leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy.
the Eiffel tower
Jules Verne
The famous tower in Paris is called the Eiffel Tower, or in French, la Tour Eiffel.
its a big pile of metal
Empty D: