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Supporters of Joseph Stalin most likely wanted to see the USSR become industrialized quickly. Stalin came to power as a result of Czar being deposed.

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Q: What did the supporters of Joseph Stalin most likely want?
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Why do you remember Joseph Stalin?

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Where was Joseph Stalin when he died?

Joseph Stalin was at his home when he died on March 5th, 1953. Joseph Stalin is most known as being the dictator of the Soviet Union.

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Yes, granted he did not have the greatest ethical code but he was ethical. What you most likely meant to ask was did he have a moral conduct.

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Most Russians and anyone under the Red Army's control were. Not really out of choice but out of fear that if they didn't follow they would be executed. Most of Stalin's followers originated from Russia because he gave the main delusion of a perfect country.

What does Joseph Stalin mean when he said you trust on one not even yourself?

He most likely meant that when you are in a high area of power and a communist system, someone is always going to stab you in the back

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I would have to say Stalin since most older people won't know who JB is

Who are some of the most well known Russian dictators?

Stalin could be one of the answers yous eek.

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It is wroth the loss of property to ensure that Germany finds nothing useful to it.

Was Joseph Stalin's subjects willing to follow?

Most of them were. However, the others followed out of fear and force.