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The land ordinance of 1785 was created to divide the land that had been acquired by the U.S..

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  1. because in 1785 the western lands went into that stuff especially :)
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Q: What did the land ordinance of 1785 divide the western lands into?
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What year did Congress pass ordinance organizing western lands?

Congress passed the Land Ordinance of 1785, which organized western lands, in the year 1785.

What did the Northwest Ordinance of 1785 provide for western lands?

It provided for the surveying and selling of the land

What divided western lands into townships?

the land ordinace

Why did Congress decide to pass the land ordinance of 1785 which divided western lands into townships?

Congress wanted to organize and sell the lands

What did the ordinance of 1785 establish?

It established a procedure for surveying and selling the western lands north of the Ohio river.

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under the land ordinance of 1785 surveyors were divide public lands into townships, 6 miles on each side.

Legislation passed by Congress authorizing surveys and the division of public lands in the western region of the country?

the land ordinance of 1785

What did the land of Ordinance of 1785 establish?

it established a procedure for surveying and selling the western lands north of the Ohio river

What problem did the land ordinance of 1785 solve?

Under this law , western lands were divided into six-mile squares called townships

Was the purpose of the land ordinance of 1785?

The purpose of the Land Ordinance of 1785 was essentially to repay the debt from the Revolution by surveying and selling lands in the northwest territories.

Why was a section of public land set aside to support public schools under the Land of Ordinance of 1785?

Under the. Land of Ordinance,of 1785, surveyors were to divide public lands into townships, 6 miles on each side. This would result in a grid squares.