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They revolutionized and modernized Japan.

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they revolutionized and modernized japan

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The Meiji government in Japan did what?

Revolutionized and modernized japan

How did Japan's meiji government differ from Japan's tokugawa shogun?

The Tokugawa Bakufu was ruled by a shogun, or military leader. The government of Meiji Japan was led by an Emperor.

How and Why did the Meiji government modernize Japan?

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Which was a change made under that Meiji government in Japan?

modernization of the economy and government

What change made under the Meiji government in japan?

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What was change made under the Meiji government in Japan?

increasing public education

What change was made by the Meiji government in japan?

The horses ate all of the people and the meiji got bad so they ate apple pie

What was a change made the Meiji government in japan?

The horses ate all of the people and the meiji got bad so they ate apple pie

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The Meiji Restoration of 1868 was done in the name of the Emperor Meiji. Under this new government, Japan quickly modernized itself.

After which nation did japan decide to model a strong central government during the meiji era?

Japan decided to model its Central Government after the United States of America.

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Who was japan's ruler during the meiji era?

How did the Meiji reostoration affect japan?

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