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family and villages

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Q: What did most West Africans feel the strongest loyalty too?
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How do most east africans feel about the land they grew up?

They feel as if they werent part of the world and they were slaves

How did Africans feel about Land ownership?

they felt upset the end

How do Africans live and work?

for the africans they are used/they adapt themselves to such a climate from birth like how plants get adapted to their surroundings(example:cacti).for us we may feel how do they survive but they will feel how do we in other parts of the world survive.

Where do you feel you pulse the strongest?

Usually at the neck (the vein on the side) does.

Why do Canadians feel more loyalty to their province?

Because americans suck, :3

Why do real Black Africans hate American Darkies?

Black Africans feel estranged from the African Americans who waste all opportunities they have and remain in a depraved stupor

How do native Africans feel about saving endangered animals in Tazania?

Upset! Glad to help !

What do all women feel with?

They feel emotion and love with thier heart. They feel bravery and loyalty with thier brain. They feel sexual attractions with thier brain, heart and vagina.

How did George Washington feel about loyalty to state?

he felt that you should be loyal to your state

Why did George Washington feel that citizens should give their loyalty to the nation as a whole?

According to my calculations, George Washington felt that citizens should give their loyalty to the nation as a whole.

Why to have friends?

Friends can focus on your interests and needs, provide support and loyalty, and make you feel good. Some one who is like you makes you feel strong.

Is loyalty a person place thing or idea?

The noun loyalty is an 'idea', an abstract noun, something you know, understand, or feel emotionally; a word for a concept.A concept is a word for a thing.