Howard carter was in Egypt because he decided to go on an expidition to find wonderful things.
Howard Carter persued his archeological waork in Egypt. Actually he found the tomb of Tutankhamun.
he founded in Egypt
Howard Carter was a British archaeologist. He discovered The Rosetta Stone in 1922. He enabled archaeologists to decipher the Ancient Egyptian writing.(hieroglyphics)
Howard Carter went to Egypt in 1891
howard carter was in his 30's when he first went to egypt
Howard carter was in Egypt because he decided to go on an expidition to find wonderful things.
the answer is howard carter
It was Howard Carter
discovered the pharaoh tutankhamun.
It was found by Howard Carter, a British archaeologist.
Howard Carter persued his archeological waork in Egypt. Actually he found the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Howard Carter discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamen on that day.