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During the US Civil War there were significant numbers of people not living in the Confederacy, to sympathize with the Southern cause. Prospective people that fit into this group were slave owners and regular citizens in the so-called "Border States" that not only hoped for Southern independence, but actively supported Confederate guerrillas when they raided the North. They gave them supplies and information about Union troops movements.To put this situation in a better perspective, President Lincoln was so concerned about Confederate sympathizers in Maryland that Union troops and artillery were threatened against any groups of pro-Southern people early in 1861.

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Q: What did a Confederate sympathizer mean?
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Sympathizer is someone who shares the feelings and/or the ideas of others ( people, party etc.)

What does Confederate sympathizer mean?

A Confederate sympathizer is someone who supports or shows empathy towards the Confederate States of America, which seceded from the Union during the American Civil War. These individuals may express admiration for the Confederate cause, its leaders, or its symbols. Confederate sympathizers often believe in states' rights, limited federal government intervention, or other principles associated with the Confederacy.

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Harry s Trumans mother was a confederate sympathizer and refused to sleep in loncoln's bed

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John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865), an actor, Confederate sympathizer, and spy. Booth was tracked down and killed on April 26, 1865.

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The cast of Through Barriers of Fire - 1913 includes: Edwin August as The Confederate Soldier Chance Ward as The Northern Sympathizer

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he died then came back to life NEW RESPONDENT because he passed from the house of one Confederate sympathizer to another finding temporary shelter.

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Lincoln was shot and killed by a Southern sympathizer. His murderer supported the Confederate States of America, and believed that he would be look upon as a hero if he were to kill the President of the United States.

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John Wilkes Booth was a southern sympathizer and as such sided with the south during the civil war. (he also acted as a spy for the confederate army) -hope it helps-

Why was Lincoln assassinated(killed while in office)?

Lincoln was shot and killed by a Southern sympathizer. His murderer supported the Confederate States of America, and believed that he would be look upon as a hero if he were to kill the President of the United States.

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cancel confederate debts

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